Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Ten on Tuesday: Wednesday edition

Um, yeah, meant to post this yesterday... ;)

1. Last Friday, Noah didn't have classes (teacher workday). We spent the morning letting boys play with more of the Tinker Crate boxes:

Noah made a hand-crank flashlight, Asher made a bottle rocket and Micah made a bio-mechanical hand. Fun times! (Really love how well put together these boxes are...straight-forward instructions and everything so nicely organized.)

2. After that, we took boys to see The Martian...which was pretty cool.

3. On Saturday, Asher had another black belt progress check. All good. :)

4. Also on Saturday, Nathan took Noah and Micah to south Denver for their first JOAD tournament of the season. Noah shot well and felt decent about his day, despite being in one of the largest/toughest divisions. Micah declared it one of his favorite tournaments ever, keeping in mind that he's participated in more than 20 of these so far and has placed in the top three in all but 4 of them. He didn't place in the top three this time but apparently had a very good time. When asked what made the difference, he reported to me that he'd known two of his three bale-mates (they score in groups of four) and they had a fun time chatting the whole time. ;) (Also, notably, he shot a new personal best. He didn't even include that in telling me what had made the day good, lol.)

5. While those guys were in Denver, Asher and I enjoyed a day out together...wandering Old Town (eating at Beau Jo's and visiting the littlest toy store and stopping at Ben & Jerry's) and running errands and watching a dvd and such on our own. We got to see this street performer:

...and see the newly re-opened town square area:

Without prompting at all, Asher even thanked me for such a wonderful day. Happy.

6. As of yesterday morning, I'm FIRST in fantasy football league!! Woohoo! (Yeah, I'm sure this probably won't last so I'm enjoying it this week, lol.)

7. Asher had another black belt progress check last night (Tuesday). In preparation, we made flash cards and quizzed Asher on the names of the different forms. :)

8. I am hereby boycotting standing in line at my local post office. Don't get me started! Let's just say that I spent 40 minutes standing in line on two separate occasions (so 80 or more minutes total) in the past week and am just done with that...and the fellow customers and the clerks. Oy. Generally, I do my post office things online or at those self-serve stations to avoid this very thing, but these particular transactions had to happen at a counter. My neighbor kindly reminded me that there are other options, and I'll be utilizing those from here out. So there. :)

9. Just so you know...I was sorting out our games recently (I like to purge periodically). Somehow we acquired SEVEN different Monopoly games. Seven. Do you know what game I really dislike? Yup, Monopoly. The boys enjoy it, though, which would explain why we have even one version. But I really don't think we need seven. Thanks to my purging, we now only have three. Which I suppose is better. 

10. Would someone please tell me where all the time has gone?! I'm taking Noah to take his permit test this afternoon. For a drivers permit, people! What the heck?!

Okay, best get this posted before it becomes Thursday's edition, lol...

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