Wednesday Wishlist

Just some random wants that have been bouncing around in my head...
1. A "fingers crossed" emoticon. Because I find myself needing one of these on a regular basis. Really. ;)
2. Separate parking lots for those extra long trucks. Because parking and maneuvering my minivan is difficult enough for me already.
3. Storage cases for figures for the Disney Infinity video game dealio. Because if you're going to make something that has a gazillion pieces, you should also make something to hold said pieces so that they're not just strewn across my fireplace.
4. A time machine to let me go back and get better pictures of certain memories. Because obviously.
5. A recording of Noah's voice before it changed three years ago. Because I can't remember what that was like and am definitely thinking I should go record both younger boys before that happens again.
6. A way to bypass previews at the theater. Because Noah and I went to see a movie a week or so ago and realized that previews in October tend toward the rather scary...and that we'd best not let Micah watch any previews this month, lol. (Seriously, though, this is not the first time I've thought this...I've even been known to get seats and have Nathan or Noah save them while I take Micah to the lobby until the show starts. Ugh.)
7. Human mute button. Because, wow, would that come in handy. ;)

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