
Lighten. That's my word for 2015.
I like how it has multiple meanings...
- to illuminate
- to reduce the load
- to cheer, inspire
- to support, help
It just feels happy. :)
Basically, I'm feeling pretty darn good about life. So, for 2015 I'd just like...
- to lighten some of the structure in our homeschool journey by focusing more on skills and less on schedules
- to lighten my to do list by knocking out at least some of the many unfinished projects weighing it down
- to lighten the busyness in my life by remembering to examine purpose and let go of the unnecessary things
- to lighten our debt load by continuing to really work at our budget
- to lighten the lives of those around me and set a good example for my boys in the process
It's not as specific or formed as some of my previous words, but I appreciate the positivity and unclutteredness of it.
(Here's last year's word and a link to past words.)

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