Ten on Tuesday

1. Here's our holiday card for those who haven't seen it:
(We took this while finding our tree for the year, courtesy of my fun selfie stick, lol.)
2. I meant to mention before...while we were at the Broncos game, Nathan and I noticed that the head cheerleader had short hair. It was actually a little weird...not in an "it looks bad" sort of way at all...just that we hadn't really realized before that all the cheerleaders (except for this one that we noticed) have long hair. Wouldn't it be cool if they all went together as a group and donated to Locks of Love or something similar? (Not judging or anything here...it was just a passing thought. :) It would probably bring pretty good publicity and all, too.)
3. Noah started his second semester at CEC today. I wasn't going to say anything, because it felt like bragging, but then I decided that really the only people reading this are grandparents anyhow, so it's okay. ;) Anyhow, I'm so proud of this boy. He got all A's in his first semester. And he took the placement tests again (as is required) and passed them all this time. Which means that he's now eligible to take college classes. (The placement tests are the actual ones that folks take in order to take classes at the local community colleges...which means that even though he just turned 14, he technically passed the tests to go to community college...which, honestly, makes me a little sad for our public school system.)
So. This term he'll have College Trigonometry (we skipped College Algebra, as we were told it would be basically a repeat of the algebra classes he's already taken), College English 101, College Computer Programming and Chemistry. The college classes only meet M/W/F, so he only has one class on T/Th's and it's in the afternoon. We're going to have to work on our new schedule a bit, lol.
Furthermore, the advising guy tells us that Noah (having bypassed many of the high school classes) will actually have enough credits to graduate in three years (total...so when he's 16). We made sure he knows that we're in absolutely no hurry and are very open to stretching that and making it take longer.
(The real issue is the math, apparently. We'll have to get special permission in the fall for him to take his math class off-campus due to his age (by off-campus I mean at one of the community colleges...the actual campus/building of CEC is where they have most of their classes (yes, they bring in the community college professors to teach community college classes at CEC)), and he'll run out of community college math courses by spring of 2017. Hoping they're able to work something out before then.)
4. Noah's still growing! Oy. We hadn't been in to practice for a bit due to the holidays, but at Sunday's archery practice we realized his draw length definitely needs lengthening again.
It's a good thing the boy has his new bow that has much more range for adjustment.
5. Realizing that we've seen a lot of movies in the past month or so. :) Big Hero 6, Mockingjay Part 1 (only the older two boys and me), the last Hobbit movie, and the latest Night at the Museum movie were all seen in the theaters. All have been pretty darn good. :) We've also watched dvds aplenty, with the most notable one (that we hadn't already seen) being The Lego Movie. Omg. Please someone get that song out of Asher's head. Please. ;)
6. Would it really be so difficult for sheet makers to put the size of the sheets on the tag? (And could they all standardize and put the tags in the bottom right corner or something so it's easier to know which way to orient the fitted sheet?)
7. Nathan saw this at the store last weekend and felt it was Micah's soul mate:
(It's a "Grumpy Cat" but Micah has declared that she's named "Fluffy" and is actually very happy. So there.)
8. Santa delivered a Wii U and a Disney Infinity system to our house. I was skeptical, lol, but we've actually been having a good time with both. It turns out (though neither Nathan nor I was aware of this) that with the Wii U, five players can play at a time. So, we've been having some entertaining family game nights. :)
9. Wow. I really should sit down and go through all the things I've been pinning on my Pinterest account...course that's just going to add to my to do list, isn't it? ;)
10. In case you were wondering, I read 79 books during 2014. I'm working on a blog post with some of my favorites. Stay tuned. :)

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