Drum roll please...

Purpose. That’s it. That’s my word for 2014. I contemplated a great many others. I really did. But, after much wavering and deliberation, I feel like PURPOSE is the one that fits.
In 2014, I want to stop and ask myself why I’m doing things...what is my purpose? I’m not talking huge, life-defining stuff here, folks. And it’s not that anything is wrong with my life right now. In fact, I’m pretty darn happy with my life. It kind of rocks, and I’m seriously blessed. :) By stopping to really think about purpose, though, I’m hoping that I can take things to another level...that I can make things more significant, more intentional, more meaningful.
Specifically, I want to look at purpose in these areas:
- Fitness: In my training for the Colorado Half Marathon, I want to remember that my purpose is fitness...not just completion of the race. I’m hoping that keeping that in mind will push me through each workout when the little voice that says “I can still finish the race without this particular workout” tries to knock me off course. :)
- Education: I’ve gotten rather caught up this past year or so with just checking off the various curriculum boxes and battling boys who don’t see why they have to do certain assignments. I want to stop and re-evaluate and make sure that I’m remembering what it is I’m trying to teach...probably make a list, lol. I also want to help boys actually see and understand what each lesson's purpose is.
- Celebrations: It might seem small, but I want to really do better at our holiday traditions...at making them more “ours” and more purposeful. I’ve got some specific ideas. ;)
- Documentation: I’ve fallen off the scrapbooking wagon. :) I’m not committing to getting back to where I was in that regard, but I want to remember why I started scrapbooking in the first place and find a way to record memories more intentionally again.
Whew. So, that's that. I've put it out there for what it's worth. :)
Do you have a word for the year or resolutions you want to share?
(For a look back on previous words, check here.)

Reader Comments (2)
My word this year is "practice". I can't get better at things without this. Practicing new things is particularly difficult and this calendar year will be a strong intention and focus.
Love your word and why you chose it! I don't know if I have a word this year but I have a goal to start scrapbooking again also. I would love, LOVE to see you start up again...for selfish reasons because I love your pages :)