One Little Word

Build. That’s my One Little Word for 2013. It didn’t jump out and grab hold like some of my previous words have. (I’m still a little sad to say goodbye to “try” which set such a fabulous tone for 2012.) But. I think it’s right. In 2013, I want to increase strengths and bolster weaknesses. I want to reinforce our foundations and mold our future. I want to be intentional about…
- building my boys into men
- building muscle
- building toward our family’s future
More specifically, I want to work with a more focused eye to shape who my boys will become…not just teaching them about history, but also making sure they know how to do laundry and open doors for people and all sorts of other things. I want to add strength training to my running plans for the year. And, I want to really examine how our family is spending our time and energy and construct traditions and practices that will carry us forward.
To do all that, I’m going to build. Block by block, step by step. I'm going to work to keep my focus on the steps...the journey...rather than being overwhelmed by the end goal. I’m ready, and I think this blog post about breaking something large into smaller pieces fits my mindset just about right.
(Okay...that was that. Would love to hear your own one little word for 2013 if you have one. :) I'll be back soon with some pics from the week between Christmas and New Year's and a look back at 2012...)

Reader Comments (2)
Well, I found this cute little "JOY" at Target at the end of 2012 and was thinking that would be my word for 2013. I wanted to build joy, embrace joy, find joy in everyday things, create joy. Sadly, this year, only 4 days old, has been anything BUT joyful. Not sure if I should abandon ship or hope for a quick turn around.