One little word 2012.

Even though I'm behind on other posts, I'm going to skip ahead and post this one. :)
So. As many of you know, I've been choosing "one little word" of the year for the last five years. This year's no different and my word feels perfect. Here's how it picked me...
2011 was pretty darn good. Managed to accomplish many of the goals I set for myself, establish new, healthier habits and continue homeschooling and raising three happy boys. Along the road, I realized that I’d had it in me all along (specifically things like the ability to actually run, lol)…all I’d had to do was TRY. So. For 2012, my word is TRY. I’m hoping to TRY something new at least every week. I know I won’t excel at everything I TRY. That’s awesome. The point is to TRY…to focus on experiences rather than things…to push beyond my comfort zone…to be present and willing…to TRY. Who knows what else I’ll learn…
You may notice that I've done a layout about my word most of the years. In 2009, I let my Lists of Me album be my documentation. For last year, I collected all those weekly quotes and made them into a book. For 2012...I'm inspired by the Take Twelve project that many are tackling this year and am going to do my own version...Try Twelve. I'll (hopefully) make at least one layout each month showcasing 12 things I tried that month. (Yes, yes, I know I said I'll try something new at least every week...I figure the "bigger" things might be about that frequent but am actually striving to find even a little something new every, finding 12 from the entire month should still work, right? Right.)
Also, in case you're cool like me, lol...I just ordered this ring with "TRY" stamped on it to wear throughout the year as a reminder. :) Yay!
Reader Comments (1)
Amanda! Longtime reader, poor commenter here, haha. Hello! Just wanted to say LOVE your word (did I get this idea from you last year? Word of the year? I don't know, but I love it! And I LOVE the idea of the ring. I may totally take this idea when I have the $ in the budget for this, as a ring with my word on it is PERFECT for what I am hoping will come in my marriage. My word for 2012 is "Redeem". I wrote about it here:
I think the ring would be perfect! Thank you for this. TRY is definitely a related word to mine for sure. I'll be praying for all your tries. I pray they lead to many successes!
God Bless!!!