Spring program

Yesterday was the last day of Options for this school year. :) Asher and Micah enjoyed their time with friends and the fun field day activities at the end of the day. Then I picked them up, got them a snack, came home so Micah could change (at his request) and headed back for the Spring Program.
At the program, we first wandered the halls looking at all the artwork. Asher had a few pieces up, and felt weird not to be performing. (Since he has no music classes this year, he didn't have any parts in the program...a first for him in the six years we've done Options.)
Micah performed with his piano class and was stoked to have a solo:
(Back story...he learned he had this solo last week. He was bored in class so was practicing for his private lesson (he has it memorized so was just playing it over and over while waiting for classmates to be ready to start). The teacher heard him and promptly asked Micah to play that in the Spring Program. Ta da.)
After he was done, he felt immensely more relaxed and nabbed a friend's cap to complete his outfit:
And that was that.
Whew. And thus ends the Options school year. :) It's great...as it's lovely to have one less thing on our schedule for the summer. But. It's also a little bittersweet...as I appreciated the day to get things done without the younger two boys in tow--and because we still have schoolwork anyhow, so it's not the end of our actual school year.
Speaking of which...must now get back to that. We've just started our last six week session... ;)

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