Things I learned last Thursday

I took the boys bowling last Thursday during our "off" we hadn't been bowling in years, and Micah had recently gone to a bowling birthday party (so was wanting more), and I found a "Kids Bowl Free" deal over the summer. :) (Note, you still have to pay for shoe rental and your own games if you bowl with the kids. Still, it's better than nothing.) Here's what I learned...
Noah has decent form and the ability to really wing the ball down the lane...
...and he can have a good time...(I'm so bummed that I missed the shot where he actually jumped for joy but I managed this one a few frames later). If he can just work on keeping his wrist from spinning the ball every time, he could actually do pretty well.
Asher could have decent form also...just needs some more umph to put behind the ball...(his brothers were giving him a hard time about the slowness of his ball going down the lane, but his accuracy was better than theirs)...
...Ash also really watches his ball all the way down the lane (and in a different contorted position most every time, lol).
Micah truly believes that he can influence the ball once it's on its way...
Also, Micah still lacks the strength to really bowl well...just kinda walks up there, stops and throws the ball, lol. With the bumpers up (which we did for the first game as we were readjusting to how to bowl), this worked okay. With the bumpers down (which Micah and Noah insisted on for the second game), this was a problem. ;)
And. Bowling shoes still aren't comfortable. ;)
Mostly, though, we just all need more practice. ;)

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