Ten on Tuesday.

Things making me happy today...
1. Micah was working on his vocabulary lesson this morning. The word he was trying to figure out was "contortion." I tried to offer a hint by asking what it's called when Asher twists himself up like a pretzel. Micah's response? "Gross?" ;)
2. I think I finally figured out what I'm doing for our "summer reading program" this year. :) Boys have decided they're too old for the library program, so I came up with my own...complete with penalties for failure to read a set amount. Bwahhaahahaa.
3. I love that Asher's totem pole project for his art class includes an Enderman (from Minecraft) and a uni-beam on its forehead (from Iron Man). Very indicative of the boy's interests right now. ;)
4. Yesterday, my friend Deanna and I had an awesome day. She beat me to the punch and described it better, so just read hers.
5. In preparation for the new X-Men movie coming out later this week, we've been watching all the previous X-Men movies. Next up in my Netflix dvd queue is "X-Men First Class."
6. Speaking of which, we watched "The Wolverine" for the first time last night. And now I may have a lead on another possible costume idea for the Denver Comic Con. Asher, Micah and I are going. We've been talking about going as Frigga, Loki and Thor (Frigga is Thor and Loki's mom). The trouble with this is that it's really hard to find costumes for Frigga and Loki. Anyhow, after watching "The Wolverine," I'm toying with the idea of going as Yukio instead. Ideas?
7. I just blew the boys' minds by telling them that the voice of Ash (one of their favorite characters on the Pokemon tv series) is done by a woman. ;)
8. Sunday night, my baby brother and his wife had their first baby...Alice Mae! That makes four nieces for me! (I have four nephews, too.) Mother and baby are doing well.
9. Woohoo! I literally just remembered that I brought home some sweet tea from Raisin' Canes yesterday and found it in the refrigerator. Yum!
10. Micah, in his quest to author more books, came with me to the library recently and checked out four books (from the children's non-fiction section) on how to write a book. He started reading one just now and promptly came to inform me that he needs a free-writing book, because that's a good first step in being a writer. ;) Man, this kid keeps me on my toes.
And now I should go try to make more progress on Micah's haiku book before he asks me again... ;)

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