I blame Target.

Wondering what we've been up to? Well, we were finishing up our May homeschooling so that we can take a week or two right now to tackle some home projects and adjust to the new summer schedule (with swim lessons instead of swim team) before going back to homeschooling for June. (We continue with our roughly three weeks on, one week off homeschooling schedule year-round, but will take August completely off this year since I realize that I'll be useless during the Olympics, lol.)
Back to blaming Target, though.
So. Our main home project this summer is going to be redoing boys' bedrooms. Right now all three share a room and, by summer's end, the plan is for them to each have their own. To that end, the boys have been making plans and window shopping aplenty, and we've been purging and sorting like crazy to empty out what are currently the storage and Lego rooms. Aside from my office, that's pretty much all the clutter in the house, lol.
Well, I decided last night that it's all Target's fault. If not for Target, I wouldn't have shelves and shelves of stuff in my storage room, right? Right?! It couldn't possibly be my seeming inability to buy only one of anything...or my obsessive "planning" for potential future gift needs. That's not why I have boxes (and boxes) of pretty containers to possibly put gifts into, right? Or why I have materials to make at least three of anything? (usually more than three, because you never know when you might want to make any gift extras, of course, lol) Or why I have unfinished holiday decor projects aplenty? (because they were just such a good deal on clearance after the holiday, obviously)
Yeah. That's what I thought. ;) Darn you, Target.
(Incidentally, don't let me buy any more wrapping paper for at least a couple years, okay? Thanks. Now back to trying to sort stuff in that storage room before boys' dentist appointments, swim team practice and karate classes. Will try to post pics this weekend-ish...)

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