Five on Friday.

1. Help! In my purging, what do I do with the gazillion scrapbooking books and magazines I've accumulated over the years? In particular, do I save all the ones with my own published work? And, if so, where? I know I've heard people talk about scoring out only the pages with their work, but...1) having had a monthly column for a couple years and hundreds of layouts published, that would be a big task...and 2) I find that I prefer to keep the magazines intact so that I can see things in context and know what other trends and styles and such were happening at the same time, kwim? Thoughts?
2. Along the same lines, I need someone to tell me that it's okay to toss all the used math and reading workbooks that I currently have in an overflowing two drawer file thing. I know someone told me that she just keeps a few representative pages, but even that seems unnecessary. Help?
(For the record, I *do* keep binders for each school year for each boy with work he did that year, certificates from extracurricular activities, artwork, etc along with a list of what we actually did that year. I'm just asking about the workbooks, themselves. I figure the only reason for keeping them would be to prove that we'd done them should we ever get audited by the state or whatever. But. I also figure they could just ask the boy to do long division and see that he knows how.)
3. Thank you, streaming Netflix, for making my boys happy. They've recently discovered that they can now watch old episodes of Mythbusters whenever they want...and are working on watching every. single. one. order. ;) (Yes, they've seen every single one at least once already.)
4. Also, should I be concerned that Micah was thoroughly delighted to discover he can also watch documentaries on Netflix? A couple nights ago, we all ended up watching one called "How Beer Saved the World." Micah loved it and declared that he's going to make his own kids watch it one day. Weirdo.
5. Because I need to feel like I've accomplished something (anything, lol), I'll have you know that the boys and I weeded out three boxes of books from their bedroom this week. It was a little sad for me (saying goodbye to books that the boys used to love) but it feels great to have yet more clutter out of our lives (or will be once we have our garage sale later this month). Whew.
Okay, off I go to continue purging that darn storage room. I'll await your thoughts on numbers 1 & 2, okay? Thanks!
Reader Comments (1)
I say donate the magazines and books to the library. They'll take good care of them and you'll be able to go see your stuff when you want to. :)Or keep the ones you love most and recycle the rest.