
Just quickly (and because I can't figure out how to just email her directly), Carrie left this comment recently with a question:
Hi--I always enjoy your blog. I am knew to homeschooling (almost completed year one!) and have gotten lots of good ideas and advice browsing through your homeschool archives. I have a 10 year old and am using the Real Science 4 Kids books, also. I read in one of your old posts that you have used their KOG (or is it KROG?) workbooks along with your curriculum. My question is, how do you like the additional book? and, how do you work it into your curriculum? I am debating this purchase for next year's curriculum and just wanted another mom's opinion. Thanks
May 23, 2012 | carrieH
So. Real Science 4 Kids. Yes, I did use the language KOG workbooks for Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Level 1). I feel like they did add something to our curriculum but, to be honest, don't think I made the most use of them. Each book was broken into 10 lessons just like the texts...each lesson featured a list of words to accompany that text lesson. We would read the list and discuss the common stem. That was it. In hindsight, I could have made more of that and had my boys write out sentences using the new vocabulary words. Does that help? If you'd like to chat more specifically, shoot me an email, okay? ;) Thanks!

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