Solar Eclipse Day

Whew. Yesterday was a long one. Good, though. Pretty darn good, actually. ;)
After getting my run in (9+ miles) and checking on how the new dishwasher had done overnight and such, we headed down to Boulder to the Fiske Planetarium to snag some eclipse viewing glasses. After standing in the line and thankfully scoring some glasses, we stuck around for the show in the planetarium theater. (Am I the only one who seemingly cannot stay awake through shows in IMAX type theaters? Honestly. I fall asleep partially through them every stinkin' time. They don't even have to be long. It's something about having to look up to watch the show??)
Then, we walked the scale solar system there on campus. The boys thought that was pretty awesome.
Next, we relocated to the Pearl Street mall area where we caught a street performer's act:
The boys were way impressed and the show was actually really entertaining. ;) We stood around and watched till he finished up then continued on to get some early dinner at The Cheesecake Factory (yum!). We also walked across the way to a fun toy/kite store. (Now that the boys know it's there, I foresee future visits, lol.)
And then we decided that the cloud cover in Boulder was just too iffy. (I don't know how it turned out for those who stayed in Boulder for the viewing event at the stadium. Anyone know?) So. We headed north and east and found ourselves a nice deserted road to watch the eclipse from. (East of Longmont, on the other side of I-25ish...) The boys put on their glasses and we set up our spotting scope (from archery) with a viewing dealio taped to the front. We'd picked up the viewing dealio along with the glasses and taped it on with first aid tape that we found in the van, lol.
We took some pictures through our iPhones and Noah's iPod:
And during the course of the eclipse (which lasted more than an hour), we entertained ourselves with looking at giant ant hills, playing rock-paper-scissors, seeing who could leap highest and the like. (We had to wait out clouds at various points, as well.) In the end, we missed the peak of the event thanks to clouds:
but still felt very satisfied with our viewing experience. ;)

Reader Comments (3)
Sounds like a great day! We had too much cloud cover here.
Hi--I always enjoy your blog. I am knew to homeschooling (almost completed year one!) and have gotten lots of good ideas and advice browsing through your homeschool archives. I have a 10 year old and am using the Real Science 4 Kids books, also. I read in one of your old posts that you have used their KOG (or is it KROG?) workbooks along with your curriculum. My question is, how do you like the additional book? and, how do you work it into your curriculum? I am debating this purchase for next year's curriculum and just wanted another mom's opinion. Thanks
Love the parade, and the pictures of course! WOW at the photos you got of the sun-moon!