A woman's prerogative...

Okay, remember back when I was talking about my word for the year? Still quite happy with my choice (and a little behind in posting my weekly quotes here). But. I said my first quote was going to be "No great thing is created suddenly." I've changed my mind. I can do that...it's a woman's prerogative, right?;)
So. My first quote of the week for 2011 is this:
Begin with the end in mind. -Stephen Covey
This was the primary quote I had in mind when I was looking for a word for 2011. I want to go beyond weekly lessons in our homeschooling journey and start focusing on what we want to get out of the entire journey. Don’t get me wrong. I feel very good about where we are right now and how we’ve been doing. We’re establishing a solid foundation and routine, and that’s valuable. But. Before we even started homeschooling, we made a mission statement outlining why we want to homeschool. I think it’s time to frame that and hang it somewhere so I won’t forget and just do the next lesson for the sake of doing the next lesson.
And, since I'm a bit behind, here's my quote of the week for this week:
I watched a movie recently. It really struck a chord. It was called “Charlie St. Cloud” and was about a young man who lost his brother and needed help finding his way back to living a full life rather than dwelling on the past. Basically, the message that I took from the movie was that everything happens for a reason and it’s up to us to find that reason. It’s become somewhat of the backbone of my faith. Throughout the losses and trials of my life, this has helped me through…the need to find meaning and look to the positive…to make a difference through my own actions, be they small or large.
So. That's that. ;) I'll do better about posting my quote of the week each Monday from here out. Probably.

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