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Just a few more not so deep thoughts...
...I had an ah-ha moment last night. I realized that my attitude toward cooking actually follows suit to my attitude about much in my life. It's *not* actually that I dislike cooking. It's that I very much more enjoy and appreciate the PLANNING & ORGANIZING portion of things to the actual DOING of things. Somehow I feel better for having recognized this. ;) you suppose it's normal for kindergartners, when asked for a word that starts with the letter "Q", to reply "quantum mechanics"? Yeah. Me neither. I really don't know where Micah gets this stuff. (During the portion of his Options day where he's with the kindergarten class instead of the first graders, his teacher has been going over the letters of the alphabet...showing the kids how to write each letter, asking them for their own ideas of words to add to their group list, etc. On occasion, like yesterday, his teacher will take me aside to note Micah's contribution of the day.) I'm told that Micah's word for "I" was "intimidation" and for "P" was "pomegranate." I kid you not.
...I have hereby resolved to trash all those Lego instruction sets. Tania, I'm almost tempted to take you up on your offer just to show you how crazy you are, lol, but I love you too much. ;) After more contemplation, I realized:
- that the boys never revisit those instructions anyhow (preferring to modify things to their own liking with whatever pieces they find);
- that I'm very unlikely to ever try to gather all the pieces for a particular set (finding them would be a nightmare in the yellow/Lego room...incidentally, the total number of new Lego pieces from Christmas ended up at 5809, meaning that we probably added 20,000 pieces easily between 2009's Christmas, our trip to Legoland, the boys' own purchases, their birthdays and this Christmas); and,
- that most of them are available online anyhow. (Thanks, awesome Lego site!) Whew.
...Over the weekend I found myself sorting through all my scrapbook albums...finally putting a huge stack of layouts into albums, rearranging/replacing albums and attempting to label them all. As I've mentioned before and as has been evident by my posts, I've pretty much neglected my scrapbooking this past year. Looking through all those layouts has given me pause, though. I love looking through them...the boys love looking through them (and Micah was a bit distraught at not having more recent layouts in his own albums)...and I enjoyed making them. Why is it, then, that I'm so overwhelmed at how much work it will be to "catch up" start again? Don't get me wrong, I let go of the notion that I had to scrap every photo years ago. But. I have a system and a number of layouts/stories that I know I want to document. I'm a little worried, though, that getting back into all of this will take my focus from homeschooling, which is why I slowed down/stopped in the first place. I'm still thinking...
Reader Comments (1)
Is there a way to incorporate some scrapbooking into homeschooling? I suppose I am mainly thinking of the boys writing some journaling but there might also be scope for some art/design projects.