Not so deep thoughts...

...why do people say they're going to "sleep like a baby"? Have these people never had babies? It just dawned on me the other day when Nathan said this phrase on his way to bed. I stopped and thought about it. Um, folks, babies (most of them anyhow) don't sleep all that well...or at least not all that long or deep. At least not in my experience. Just sayin'. you suppose I'm insane in that I keep all the boys' Lego instruction booklets? I'm pretty sure we have almost every one of 'em. The box runneth over, though. Will I have seven years of bad luck if I toss them?
...why the freak do stores start displaying all the Valentine's Day stuff immediately after Christmas? I know of no one who does anything about Valentine's Day sooner than a week in advance, at most. Who are these other people?
...does anyone else find it odd that the setting of Asher's broken arm in the ER was coded in as "surgery"? I asked the gal at the doctor's office about it last week and discovered that anything that deals with stuff under the skin is deemed "surgery"...even injections, she said. Since they had to manipulate the bones (which are obviously and thankfully under his skin), it goes under "surgery." I'm not sure if this is just this particular office or what, but found it odd. Still. Compared to some of the stories I've read on the web about the cost of a broken arm, we'll take it. Very, very thankful that we didn't require actual surgery or pins or anything. I alone in finding it weirdly appropriate and fitting that the Seahawks were the first ever team to win a division title with a losing record? I'm sure my dad is cheering (and chuckling)... it worth it to keep trying to prevent Asher from leaping off of and over things? Yeah. I didn't think so. Sigh. :)

Reader Comments (3)
I wish that I could 'sleep like a baby'! I haven't slept thru the night since 2002. *sigh* It was CRAZY here when the Hawks won. CRAZY!
amanda....did you see Ali E's post on her blog recently about how she stores Simon's legos and the manuals? it's a binder system with page protectors if i remember correctly.
or another thought......send them to me, i'll trim the edging off and put them through our ultra fast-ultra high-res (black & white) scanner at work that automatically converts them to PDF. i can then burn them all to a CD and mail it to you.
i'd LOVE to do it for you. because i know how sane it would make me feel to get rid of the clutter and have it organized.
you know my addy if you want to send them. :)
it might be weirdly appropriate and fitting that the Seahawks were the first ever team to win a division title with a losing record but did they have to do it against the Saints? boo hiss