Seven on Sunday...

Feeling like I'm trapped in one of those puzzles with the sliding pieces where just one piece is missing and you have to shuffle all the others around constantly to try to get the picture right...(yup, still moving boxes to and fro about the house, lol)...meanwhile:
1. Posted a new Good Grief Blog challenge yesterday. Check it out!
2. Watched this pretty cool show about how the introduction of coffee (and caffeine) into society may have contributed to the Industrial Revolution and the information age, given that prior to that everyone pretty much drank alcohol all the time. Definitely food for thought. ;) (It was a Modern Marvels episode, if anyone's interested...Noah loves those!)
3. Heartbroken over the story of this friend's little girl. Please keep her in your prayers.
4. Someone asked about how to remove the background to create those silhouettes in Photoshop. I'm not a technical guru (and tend to just do what works for me, knowing there's probably a better way), but basically use whatever "select" tool works for you (the magic wand and lasso are usually my tools of choice) to select all of either the background or the person. If you selected the person, use "select -- inverse" so that all of the background is selected instead. Then, just delete it. Clear as mud?
5. You may have noticed that pole in the basement pictures...the one haphazardly wrapped with duct tape and blue yoga mats from the dollar spot at Target, LOL! We're looking at finding some pipe insulation foam to actually go there and make that safer (have only been able to find the right diameter online and it's a bit spendy)...have also considered finding some carpet pad and remnant to wrap there. Any other ideas I'm missing? Anyone happen to have some playground padding laying around unused? Trust me, we've had enough kids (and adults) run into it that it really needs to be covered. ;)
6. If you're local, I'm teaching a mini-album class called Lists of Me at the Treasure Box next Saturday, January 23 at 1:00 pm. If you're interested, call and sign up pronto so I can plan supply counts, okay?
7. I'm having decorating issues. Amid all this basement stuff, I'm still trying to finish up the family room (primarily finding stuff to put on the mantle and bookcases and one remaining wall). I'm finding, though, that home decor for me is greatly like my scrapbooking. I have no problems with the bigger aspects of design...picking colors, maybe one cool element and the like. But. Embellishing is apparently just not me. Having now realized that, I'm trying to embrace and accept that my own personal style might mean that I need to approach this "decorating" thing differently. :) Do you find that your home reflects your scrapbooking style (if you scrapbook, of course, lol)? Just curious.
Okay, off to move boxes from my office to the storage that I spent the other day clearing the storage that we can finish the computer swap going on in my office. Meanwhile, Nathan will be painting the rec room today and I'm hoping to start sorting the boxes in the front room. We'll see... ;)

Reader Comments (2)
Hi-i can identify with #7 & your decorating dilema--especially since you are still in the midst of working on your other rooms. We did what you are doing a couple of years ago--completely painted/moved around/redecorated/etc several rooms and my advice to you is to just wait for a bit for the smaller decorating touches. Wait until you are not so tired from making so many decisions and just live with your "new" rooms a bit. Then, when your brain is back in business, look for decorative items for one room at a time, or even one item at a time. When we were all done with our rooms and needed lamps for several of them, my husband and I spent one whole Sunday just going from shop to shop looking for lamps and we found them all--at about four different stores, mind you, but it was fun and since we only concentrated on one thing, it was easier to focus. Hope this helps a little. Have fun and keep telling yourself that it will be worth the mess in the end (it really will!) Good luck!
My heart is breaking for Baylee's parents. I live just about 45 minutes south of them if you hear of anything they may need please let me know. Other than prayers that is.