Because it deserves to be recorded...

1. Noah had a dream last night. He explained to me that in his dream Micah was 8 years old already, we were in outer space for some reason (he knew this because he and Asher were each in their own spaceships), and I'd just had a new baby boy...whom we named Ziggediah. (Yes. Really. No idea where that came from.) Later in the dream (Noah says it fast forwarded and then we landed back on Earth), Nathan and all four boys (Ziggediah was now 4 years old, says Noah...not sure how he knew that but he was quite certain) were playing football...Noah and Ziggediah were playing against the other three...Asher fumbled and Noah scooped it up to score a touchdown. The end.
This is odd for two reasons. One, I would never name a boy Ziggediah, LOL. Two, Noah rarely remembers his dreams at all and hasn't shared one with me in years. In fact, he often denies that he dreams at all (compared to the other two who have told me quite a few doozies).
2. Even though we're only a month "officially" into winter, I miss summer. So there. Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about Colorado and very much appreciate that the temps are reasonable and we have no additional snow or wind or whatever. I love the sunshine. I just long for temperatures where I can wear my Keen sandals without my toes freezing. Is that wrong? ;)
3. Micah explained to me tonight that (and I quote) "cold makes you warm if you're hot." If you stop and really think about it, I suppose he's + cold = warm. Took me a minute to figure out what he was talking about though. :)
4. My boys have crossed over to the dark side and are now utterly enamored with Star Wars. So far, we've watched episodes 1, 4, 5 and 6 with them this month. (Yes, it's true. They'd not watched any of them prior to least not when they were old enough to remember.) They've already decided that for Halloween this year Micah will be Yoda, Asher will be Obi Wan Kenobi (sp?) and Noah will be Darth Vader. They make very convincing light saber sound effects (but must make due with flashlights as light sabers as I refuse to let them get the more sword like ones).
Oh, and not to worry...the Star Wars love hasn't affected their Lego obsession in the least. Actually, it was the Legos that started it since they wanted a few of those Star Wars Lego sets at Christmas and then started wondering about the stories behind them. Now they're just trying to figure out how to get their hot little hands on even more sets...
* * * * * * * * * * *
Okay. That was all for now. :) Boxes continue to be sorted and rearranged here. Basement rec room is partially painted (just need to finish the trim, but there's an awful lot of it). I finally found the surface of my desk today and am hoping to do some creating soon. Making progress...

Reader Comments (3)
Your boys are so funny! Love your stories about them Amanda!!
I miss summer too! I want to wear sandals and stop wearing coats...and I wish this snow from December (for crying out loud) would melt finally.
Every once in a while Reiley and I go through watching the Star Wars movies :)
I can't wait to see the boys halloween costumes (if they stick with their idea!)
There must be something about Star Wars right now. My 6 year old just discovered Star Wars and that's all we hear about. We have watched most all of the epidoses recently too. We are holding off on the Star Wars legos just yet... he isn't into those yet. But the Star Wars action figures are much desired.
Don't you just love boys? So much fund.