PSA and my woes after seeing the eye doctor.

Freaky thing happened today. The boys were playing at the mall play area. Nathan was with them while I was finishing some stuff up with the glasses place (I'll get to that in a minute). Noah, apparently, was playing tag with Asher and was running away...quickly. In the process, he rounded a big play thing or padded pole (not sure which...point is that he couldn't see around it until it was too late) and ran smack dab into another boy of roughly the same age and size doing pretty much the same thing. They collided. Hard. Fortunately for us, Noah has an incredibly hard head. Unfortunately for the other kid, Noah has an incredibly hard head. Noah is fine. The other boy broke his nose. Really. I feel horrible, and it was totally an accident according to all involved, but it's never a good thing to arrive where your boys are to find blood on the ground and another boy crying in the bathroom over the sink while they tried to stop the bleeding. So, please send a quick thought of healing to that sweet little boy and remind your kids that, like vehicles, those that are going faster take longer to stop and crash with greater force.
Now, about the glasses place. Nathan and I had eye appointments today. We've been way overdue and decided it was, LensCrafters was having a pretty good sale that ends tomorrow, right? So, we got our check ups and that was all good and well. Amazingly, my prescription actually IMPROVED. That's never happened to me before. I started wearing glasses in 7th grade and have gotten progressively worse over the years. (For those who know anything about the diopter reading things...started around a -2 and am now at -7.5ish...those undergrad and law school days were murder to my vision *laugh*) I think I may have had one or two check ups *ever* where my prescription has stayed the same...the rest of the time it's gotten worse. Anyhow, so that was pretty cool.
We proceeded then to look for new frames, as the sale at LensCrafters was that you got free lenses if you bought the frames. Neither of us could find anything we liked...and we tried on a LOT of them. Finally we gave up and headed to the other glasses place there in the mall. Nathan almost immediately found what he was looking for. I continued looking...asked the gal for help (they're very good there with face shapes and the fact, it was one of the salespeople at that same store who helped me find my current glasses a few years ago)...tried on a gazillion more glasses. Alas. I didn't find any that I liked better than the ones I currently have. Another first.
If you know me, you know that I love to go for change when I do things like get new glasses or get my hair cut or do my nails or whatever. I very, very rarely ask for just a trim or stick with the same thing. (Perhaps this is because I like routine so much in other areas of my life? That's another story...hee hee.) So, admitting defeat and ordering lenses for the same frames was a milestone for me. Does this mean I'm getting set in my ways or something? I hope not. I prefer to think that there are just not enough choices available at that particular mall. Next time, perhaps I'll be more patient and take more time to really shop around. Or not. :)

Reader Comments (3)
Praying for the other little boy!
Looking forward to seeing Nathan's new glasses. Congrats on the improved vision -- pretty cool! nan
YIKES! HR's twin boys did the exact thing that happened with Noah and the other little boy only no broken nose. We all grabbed our heads though in pain and they almost immediately got black spots on their foreheads. That darn nearsightedness is genetic, honey. Although it's funny you should mention your eyes getting "better" - mine have done that recently and so has DH's. Hope that you find some cool new glasses soon!
I hope you found some frames you liked! I am in the same process right now. My current frames are days from breaking, but I can't find anything I like. When you think about having to see yourself in something every day for the next couple of years, it kind of raises the bar, doesn't it?