Enough said.

Don't get me wrong. I love my boys and 90% of the time, they're superb...truly. But lately some of the whining has been getting on my nerves. I know that it's because my own schedule has been messed up resulting in less time dedicated to them (as I try to finish up a bunch of stuff before swim lessons start and my days become dictated by their schedules). Still. When I saw this sign at a store the other day, I couldn't pass it up...
Now, where shall I hang it? ;)

Reader Comments (5)
hee hee hee - might have to make one for the princess could hang it in my house...i could totally use it!
Always fun to see friends!
Oh, man. Can I have a copy of that for my house?? Must be something in the air recently!
Great sign. You're not alone - my girls are doing the same thing this summer... I agree a change in schedule & what the expect is to blame. Cheers on your upcoming book!!!