PS Gob Gob

I just had to add a little note to my earlier post. We've been working with Micah trying to get him to say his own name. He's got everyone else's down amazingly well...loves calling for his "No-nah", says "Asher" surprisingly clearly (better than Noah or Asher did for sure) and often times shortens it to "Ash", has mommy and daddy down pat...but can't seem to get his own name. We know he can make all the required sounds for it but every time you ask him what his own name is (or try to trick him into saying it while going through a list of people or whatever) he answers "Gob Gob." I don't know why. Can't you just see me calling to him while out at the park or in a store..."Gob Gob Sir A Lot, you come back here!" Bwaahaaaha! ;)

Reader Comments (2)
Such sweet photos...don't you just love summer and the warmth it brings!
Amanda that is hysterical! Mira is stuck on baby all of a sudden, and we have been doing the tricking as well! She too can say her sisters names well, and sometimes refers to as Daddy Rich instead, what a hoot. But when it comes to naming herself - she says Baby. "Where's Mira" gets an instant cheesy grin or a "ME!" . Her sisters have a toy she wants - "Baby's doll/book/car!"
*Now* I understand how Baby in Dirty Dancing was still called Baby as a teen.