Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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September so far

Oy. Apparently I haven't posted anything at all this month. Sorry! Guess it's time for some catching up...

1. Adjusting. Some of September has been about adjusting back to being a household of three now that Asher and Micah are back at their respective colleges. That's meant things like less laundry and more food being available, lol.

Simultaneously, Asher and Micah have been adjusting to their new schedules. Asher's got 17 credits this semester and is taking on more responsibilities with the UNC PE club. They have some fundraisers in the works and Asher will be going to a big convention in Denver specifically for physical education people next month. He's also still very much enjoying the UNC Taekwondo club. They've added new members this year, doubling their numbers, and have some events coming up, too. He's also working this month on finalizing his full admission to the Professional Teacher Education Program at UNC, which involves a decent amount of paperwork and is a requirement in his journey to becoming a PE teacher. Also, Asher and his three new roommates seem to be getting along just fine, he continues to ride his OneWheel to get around campus, and he comes home on the weekends. (He's not doing Karate West demo team any more but volunteered, along with another former member, to lead a practice earlier this month to help the new members with their combat fighting choreography. They may do more of that.)

Micah's gotten himself two part time jobs (at the Boulder Escape Room on the weekends and on campus at the biotechnology building on weekday mornings), is taking 15 credits, and continues to help lead the CU Taekwondo club. Yup, he's busy. :) He'll finish his BA in May and is now looking at applying to graduate programs. He's been meeting with advisors and seeking input from those in the field. He's doing a great job of juggling everything and is thoroughly enjoying college life. He and his two roommates are doing well so far with home life--cooking for themselves, paying bills, tackling maintenance, and whatnot. He's going to concerts, shopping, climbing, and everything else. He seems pretty happy. :)

2. Chilling. Amid all of that, life for me has been fairly chill. Mostly, I've been helping to make sure everyone else is getting what they need...plenty of paperwork and errands and listening. 

This picture is of my fun little robot tea infuser. I feel like he exemplifies "chilling" pretty well, lol. (Nathan was gifted some delicious oolong loose leaf tea and I've taken it. Given the steeping instructions, I dug out my little robot and it works perfectly.) When he's not in the tea glass, I let him hang out in the little white dish...and I think it looks like he's chilling in a little tub.

3. Medical stuff. I mentioned before that Micah switched treatment plans for his arthritis. Some of what I've been doing has been getting that all sorted. The new plan involves deliveries in these "critical" boxes that require opening "immediately" and refrigerating. (That's why we're having them delivered here rather than to Micah in Boulder...since I can be home to receive them but Micah and his roommates aren't reliably home, given class and work schedules.)

So far the weekly self-injections have been working well, and Micah feels considerably better than he did at the end of the summer. Yay!!

Beyond that, Micah also had a laser eye surgery earlier this week to repair a hole in his left retina. Seems to have gone well, though I suppose we won't really know for sure until his follow up appointment in December? In any case, the procedure went smoothly and he's doing well. Plus, we got to spend some time with him while collecting him from Boulder the night before the procedure and then driving him back down in the afternoon after the surgery. (By the way, Micah was far and away the youngest person at the eye center, lol. I'd not really thought about it before but apparently it's mostly older people who need eye surgery?)

4. Boot camp in Old Town. Last week (Wednesday), one of the guys in boot camp was the speaker for a Ram Talk in Old Town. George is an elephant expert and professor at CSU and spoke about what we can learn from elephant language. It was honestly fascinating! Knowing that he'd be talking, the rest of us at boot camp (aside from the three who were out of town that week) all went to offer our support. (There was discussion about heckling, but we were good, lol.)

We all sat together and enjoyed the event! (George is the one standing with his picture on the screen behind him, lol.) If you're local, there are a number of additional Ram Talks scheduled and the event space is fabulous. I'd highly recommend attending, even though George won't be speaking again.

5. Conference in AZ. While I was doing that, Nathan was at a conference for work. It was pretty swanky...at the Four Seasons in Scottsdale. Nathan enjoyed the scenery...opted for the morning hike as his chosen conference activity...and even managed to get together with a friend and his family while he was there. 

6. Filipino Community Hall National Historic Site. Many decades ago (more than 70 years ago), my mom's dad (who immigrated to the US as a teen) was a leader in his local Filipino-American community in the Yakima Valley in Washington state. He helped found the Filipino Community Hall in Wapato, the first Filipino hall built in the west. This year, the hall was added to the National Register of Historic Places! They're having a big celebration next month and putting together a commemorative book. Given the family significance and the years of memories we have there, my mom wanted to put together a full page ad for the book. I helped with that while Nathan was out of town. Here's how it turned out:

(It's nothing particularly fancy...just featuring family. :) The hardest part was gathering all the photos, lol.)

7. New tree. And while Nathan was still in Arizona, I oversaw the planting of the new tree we purchased last month. You may remember that we planted a new tree a couple years ago (see the top middle photo below). We got a 5 gallon skyline honeylocust through a city program and planted it ourselves. It made it through the first winter but sadly perished last winter due to the extreme cold. 

So. This time we opted for a 20 gallon tree through the Fort Collins Nursery and had them plant it for us. It's an Espresso Kentucky Coffee tree, which is similar to the honeylocust but felt like it had a bit more character to us. Rob & Thomas did a great job of amending the soil and planting the tree and fertilizing and staking it. They also left me with clear instructions for its care and high hopes.

8. Raccoons. Last weekend, while Nathan, Noah, Asher and I were playing a board game in the kitchen, we were visited by FOUR raccoons. They were quite curious about us and can clearly tell that Nathan feeds the squirrels right there. On that particular day, the squirrels hadn't finished off the day's last pile of walnuts and the first raccoon got a nice little treat. (He didn't share with the others.) 

Don't worry. We didn't put out any additional walnuts. :)

9. Date lunch. And, yes, Nathan and I still go out for date lunch every other week or so. Yesterday, we enjoyed lunch and hard ciders at Locust in Old Town, walked over to The Exchange for ice cream, and then wandered across the street to the new Fort Collins mural.

So. I think that's most of what's been going on in September with us. Whew. It's strangely warm and summery here right now. It's a little confusing but okay with me. Also, I'm in the middle of reorganizing my office...which has been quite the project. (More on that later.) 

I'll do better about posting in October. :) Have a wonderful weekend!


Thankful Thursday

Last Thankful Thursday for August. :) Here's my list today...

1. Friends who fly. Last Saturday, Nathan got to go for a flight with my friend Dave (from boot camp). They saw the Flatirons and Red Rocks and a warehouse fire in Denver, lol. Nathan had a fantastic time and took some great photos...

So thankful for Dave and that we were able to make this happen!

2. Time together. Also last weekend, Asher was home from UNC and we enjoyed some family game time (sans Micah). Since we had even numbers, we tried the team play option for 7Wonders...

It was actually really educational for me...working in teams gave me better insight into how others were making their decisions for play. I appreciate that our years of playing games with boys (through homeschooling and otherwise) has led us to moments like this.

3. Opportunities for adventure. While we were playing games and such, Micah went outdoor bouldering with friends...

I'm glad that Colorado has so many opportunities for adventures and that Micah enjoys taking advantage of them.

(By the way, I finally worked out the insurance and specialty pharmacy hoops and have his new medication for him, but he hasn't started it yet. Thankful that the emergency meds were working well enough that he was able to go hiking and climbing last weekend.)

4. Quick trip to Boulder. Last Sunday, Noah and I made a quick trip down to Boulder to bring Micah his passport for some employment paperwork. Yup, Micah got himself a part time job! So...Noah and I drove down, Noah got a quick tour of Micah's new place (he was the only one who hadn't been there yet), we took Micah to lunch downtown, and then he walked the block or so to his new job to fill out paperwork. (His first official day will be tomorrow.) Along the way, Noah and I saw this quote on a building...

Not only do I appreciate the quote, but I found it awesome that Dylan was quoted right alongside Aristotle and others. ;) Proud of Micah for working hard to get this new job and also thankful that Boulder isn't too far away...for when we forget to send things like passports. 

5. Arborists. Earlier this month, we had an arborist out to look at our Aspens in the front yard. He confirmed that the south tree (they're three separate trees, though they look like they're part of a single tree) was dead and needed removing before falling into the pine tree and fence. (It was actually starting to rot at the base. Bleh.) We'll admit that we hadn't really been paying attention. ;) Apparently, the lean of that tree has been getting worse and worse over the years...

Since we're getting ready to have a new tree planted in the front yard next month (to replace the one we planted a couple years ago that died, sadly), we figured it made sense to check if the Aspen needed removing and, if so, if that was better done before we have the new tree installed. Turns out, yes, it did definitely need removing and doing so would be easier before planting the new tree. (We also talked to the arborist about the remaining two Aspens. All of the other Aspens in our neighborhood planted around the same time have been removed already so we weren't sure if it made sense to just take them all out while getting that leaning one. We're hoping, though, that ours have another few years in them. Fingers crossed!)

So, we had a great chat with the arborist to figure out Aspen removal plans. He also was enthusiastic about our choice of new tree for the front yard and had tips for that. And then he and his team were able to come out earlier this week and carefully remove that south Aspen and clean up some of the dead branches in the remaining Aspens. It looks good...

Thankful for knowledgeable people to talk to!

Okay, that's my list for today. Happy end of August to you all...hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend!


First Day Pictures

Hooray! My beautiful younger sons both sent me first day of school pictures earlier today on their way to their first classes of the year. 

Here's Asher this morning:

Asher's starting his second year at UNC and will have one more after this. He's still pretty happy with his major (Sport & Exercise Science: Physical Education K-12 Teaching), is the treasurer for the UNC PE Club, and is looking forward to another year with the UNC Taekwondo Club. He's living in the same dorm but with three new roommates. 

And here's Micah around lunch time (his classes are all after noon):

Micah's starting his second year at CU Boulder. He's on track to finish his BA in Philosophy in May thanks to all of his college credits during high school. He's considering pursing his Masters after this, though, so it may not be his last year at CU. He's the vice-president of the CU Taekwondo Club, has already been out climbing with friends (and hopes to do more of that this year), and is enjoying living in his rental house with two taekwondo teammates. 

So far, accounts from both boys are good. They enjoyed their first classes and seem excited about the semester. Here's to a fantastic year!


Five on Friday

Happy Friday, y'all! Looks like I haven't really shared much about our August lately. Here are five things to catch you up...

1. Aunt Lill. Toward the start of the month, one of my favorite aunts passed away. She was such a joy and always a favorite with all of her nieces and nephews (along, obviously, with her own four kids and all of their friends). She was married to my dad's big brother (that he farmed alongside) and was great friends with my mom. I wasn't able to make it to her funeral back in Washington, but my mom sent me this picture of my dad's six remaining siblings at the reception. (He had one other brother who died before him. Aunt Lill's husband is the third from the left.)

I'm sad I wasn't able to see everyone but blessed to have so much family still around. And I'm so very thankful for all of the memories that include my Aunt Lill and her amazing smile. 

2. Micah catch up. It's been a busy month, medically, with Micah. He's had his annual eye appointment (where we discovered a small hole in one of his retinas that will need to be closed up surgically next week)...had to go to urgent care for a sub-dermal infection in his legs...had his annual well check (where he also had the infection looked at and deemed "on the mend")...decided he needed to go back on medication (remember that he's been in a research study where he went off all meds at the start of May)...so has been back to Children's to be evaluated again, have bloodwork and get a new prescription (he's changing his treatment plan for practical reasons). So, now I'm in the process of sorting out all the insurance and prescription things to get that in place...hopefully before September? Oy. Fingers crossed that the new medication plan works as well or better as the last one and that we can get it started asap. (Fortunately, we were able to get some "emergency" meds into him in the meantime, though they're not as good as the medication plan so he's still in some discomfort.)

3. Nathan's birthday. With everything else going on, we didn't have a big celebration for Nathan's birthday this year but we did have cake... :)

It was a tiramisu cake from Whole Foods and was delicious! 

4. Karate West. On the 17th, there was another big promotion at Karate West. Mr. & Mrs. Yee, along with three other advanced belt candidates, promoted to higher belts. As part of Mrs. Yee's body of work to merit promotion, there was a demo team reunion with multiple performances. (Over the summer, as many past demo team members as were able were invited to practice together on various dates to work on the routines. Both Micah and Asher joined in.) Given Micah's leg infection, re-emerging arthritis issues and hole in his retina, though, he didn't participate at the actual promotion. Asher performed in all but one of the routines and is always a joy to watch.  

This is a photo of all of the black belts (or higher) who were present. It was truly a testament to Mr. & Mrs. Yee and their influence. So thankful my boys have this community!

5. Asher move in. Yesterday, Nathan and I helped Asher move back to his same dorm room at UNC. Appreciative that the weather was overcast...that Nathan was able to help...and that the process was so simple (so much easier when you're just moving back into the exact same room so you already know what goes where and what will fit). We got him settled, met one of his roommates, got lunch and then left him to it. I'm super bummed that I neglected to take a single photo. (For what it's worth, his room looks pretty much the same as last year, other than a smaller/shorter desk, lol.)

So. That's some of what's been going on around here. We've also dealt with homeowner-type things like sprinkler repairs and consultations about our trees and finding a new tree to replace the one that died. Mostly though, for me, August has been about being incredibly thankful that my guys all ended up going to college within an hour...it makes moving and medical things and whatnot so much easier. Waiting now on a couple more medical things and seeing that class schedules work and getting college bills paid and all of that. And then I can switch from summer mode to fall...


Throwback Thursday

Today's the 17 year anniversary of the day my dad died. I'm thankful every day for the time I had with him and for the example he set. I know the best way to honor his memory is to live a life he'd be proud of and to enjoy his grandkids as he would have wanted to. 

For today's Throwback Thursday, I'll just share this photo of my dad and me from when I was three...

I'll also direct you to this blog post I shared on the 10 year anniversary of his death...with 10 layouts about him. 

Miss you and love you, Dad!

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