Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Thankful Thursday

A week into August now and things here are quiet but busy. Here's my list of things I'm thankful for lately...

1. Moving Micah. Last Thursday, we moved Micah down to his rental house in Boulder. It's an older single family home in a nice quiet neighborhood with a straight shot to campus (on the bike Micah bought). It should be a great place for Micah's first time living off campus. I didn't take too many photos on Thursday but this gives you an idea...

Micah has two roommates. They each have their own bedroom and then share the bathroom, kitchen, dining area, living room, garage and large back yard. They're slowly outfitting the house and making it more cozy. I'm thankful he's found good friends and is having this experience. Looking forward to watching his journey! 

While I'm at it, I'm also thankful that August is a month for getting boys' stuff out of the house, lol. Micah took a bunch of his stuff...we were able to give a few things that were also taking up space to one of Micah's friends who will be moving into the dorms in Boulder...and Asher's stuff will head to Greeley with him in a couple weeks. Yay! So much stuff out of the front room and boys' rooms and guest room! :)

2. Nearby fires. I'm definitely not thankful for the multiple wildfires along the front range here in Colorado, but I *am* thankful for the many people who have worked to get them under control and to manage all that comes with wildfires and evacuations. I'm also appreciative for the eeriely beautiful sunsets... 

Nathan took this from the side of the road on our way home from moving Micah last week.

And I'm also glad that our AC issues happened when they did...before the dry, hot (near 100) weather we've been having and while we could still open the windows to cool things off without worrying about air quality.

3. Olympics. I love watching the Olympics, and I'm thankful for the more complete coverage options these days. It's nice being able to learn about and watch some of the events that don't usually make the PrimeTime coverage. :) 

4. Sardines. Okay, I'd never tried sardines before. Ever. Reading about how good they can be for you recently, though, I decided it was time to try. 

I actually like them! Glad to know that and will try to incorporate them into my diet more, as I appreciate how many nutrient goals they help hit. 

5. People. I've just had a number of lovely interactions with people lately and have been trying to take a moment to appreciate them. Shout outs to:

  • Jason, our wonderful AC technician from FC Heating & Air who communicated fabulously and went above and beyond to find a way to get our AC working
  • Shelly, the rockstar at UC Health's insurance office who helped me sort out some recent unexpected bills (it's awesome to have someone who you trust to actually figure things out and explain them well)
  • Dave, a guy in my neighborhood that I met on Saturday walking back from running intervals with Lynne...we had a nice chat
  • the phlebotomist at my last blood draw, who was just so competent and fun
  • the cashier at Sprouts in Boulder, who had an interesting chat about philosophy with Micah during check out when we were picking up some supplies after moving him in
  • Erik, the guy from ABS Irrigation who did a great job with communicating and getting a team out here to repair and replace some of our sprinkler heads recently
  • Tim, our neighbor who's also our optometrist, who is so thorough and attentive to our eye health

There are definitely more people to list but that's what I've got for now. :) Thankful, too, for the rain yesterday and today...and the cooler temperatures. Back to watching Olympics now!



Today's Micah's birthday!

(He had some lovely bed head going on so is wearing a hat all day. The bottom right photo is a yawn, as he was apparently tired, though he didn't get out of bed until after 2pm, lol. Also, for those not local, the hazy coloring in the photos is thanks to a local wildfire nearby that started yesterday. Boo.)

This summer, he's worked a couple of short term jobs, volunteered a couple times down in Boulder with his taekwondo club (helping with the set up and take down of the stadium for various events in exchange for some fundraising), and enjoyed multiple outings with friends (most recently to the Renaissance Faire last weekend). He's also been preparing for the coming school year and for living in a rental house with friends/teammates and has joined the Karate West demo team a few times as they're working toward some reunion performances in a few weeks. 

This week, he'll move to that rental; classes at CU (University of Colorado-Boulder) will start back up later in August. He's majoring in Philosophy and should actually finish by May 2025. (Having graduated high school with his AA, he only had a couple years of additional coursework needed to complete the BA.) He's an officer with his taekwondo club and is truly enjoying that and getting involved. He's also been climbing more over the summer and is hoping to keep it up better while in Boulder this year. 

We didn't do anything particularly exciting to celebrate...had the dinner and dessert Micah requested last night (Asher has parkour tonight so last night worked better) and just stayed home. (Micah and I had climbed earlier in the day and he was a bit sore.) He opened gifts...all items for his new house and all appreciated. :) Then, we watched some Olympics and also a couple episodes of the K-Drama that Micah's been loving and pulled us into, lol. 

Yup, this kid keeps us entertained. :) Looking forward to seeing what the coming year (and years) will bring and know that he'll embrace it fully and capably.

And thus begins our last year of having a teenager...


July catch up

Apparently I haven't posted much during July. We're still here, just living. :) Here's a quick list of some of what's been going on lately...

1. Nathan's had a couple different trips. Nathan had a quick trip out to San Francisco for a work presentation and then had a nice vacation at the annual EAA AirVenture air show in Oshkosh, WI. (He had a very similar July last year.) This year, though, he talked his best friend TJ into joining him and the two of them camped with our local EAA group again...this time in a UHaul van instead of a tent, so that they had AC available and stayed drier. They had a great time! Back here at home, I was again thankful to have boys who cook. :) (Nathan generally handles all the cooking here, and Noah and Micah stepped up nicely to fill in while he was gone.) 

2. Our AC went out. Unfortunately, though, just before Nathan left for Oshkosh, our AC went out. Lovely. Long story with numerous tech visits...but after a week of not having AC, it's working again now. Whew. Huge thanks to the fabulous (second) tech who figured out a way to get it working temporarily while we wait for the part that's back-ordered for a month. Thankful, too, that the temperatures here weren't as high while our AC was out. Don't get me wrong; it was still too hot for sure in our house, but at least it wasn't the 90-100 degree temperatures of this week. Bleh.

3. I've been selling things. I get in purging moods sometimes, lol. As part of that, I convinced boys to clear some stuff out--mostly old HeroClix pieces from a game they played years ago. They were mostly happy to just donate or trash it, but I got them to let me list things on eBay instead, with any proceeds then going to me. :) I've made a nice chunk of spending money and gotten rid of most all of it.

4. I've been buying things. Unrelatedly, I've been doing a fair bit of shopping, lol. I placed a number of Amazon Prime Day orders, have placed other online orders, and stopped at IKEA earlier this week. Before you get too excited, though, most of the purchases were "boring"...just stuff needed around the house or for Asher or Micah when they head back to college. Still, it's been a lot of packages. Fortunately, I'm a pretty good shopper and got good deals. And it feels good to have those things checked off my lists.

5. My climbing is getting better. I try to climb about twice a week. I'm never going to be great like all these other climbers, but that's okay. For me, just continuing to do it and making personal progress is dandy. (There are rarely any other women my age there climbing so just being there feels like an accomplishment.) In any case, in the past few weeks, I've felt like I was improving. My local gym had a bouldering league competition over a month or so earlier this summer. I've participated once before and usually try the climbs after the competitions anyhow (they leave the routes up so everyone can try them). Prior to this summer's comp, the highest route I'd been able to finish was a number 6. (They're numbered in increasing difficulty and scored accordingly for the competition.) A couple weeks ago, I finished a number 9!! I was pretty excited.

6. Friends. Also this month, I've gotten together with friends and spent time also texting with friends...just lots of talking and sharing. So grateful for fabulous people in my life! Happy, too, to see my guys getting out there and spending time with friends as well!

And now, we're watching Olympics and getting ready to move Micah back to Boulder to the house he's renting with a couple of friends/taekwondo teammates. (The lease starts Aug 1 so he'll move a few weeks ahead of classes starting. Asher's going back to his same dorm room so won't move back until a few days before class start. Both boys' fall classes start Aug 26.) And that's what we've been doing around here. :)


Four on Friday

Hope everyone had a lovely Fourth of July! We stayed home together...ate good food, played some games & watched a movie. It wasn't the most exciting, but it was good. :) I realized, too, that it's been ten years since we went to see fireworks. Apparently we're fine with that, as none of my guys wanted to venture out yesterday even after I pointed that out.

In other news, here are four random things to share that make me happy...

1. Moms' Night Out. Last Sunday, I was able to get together with a group of mom friends. Yay! We all homeschooled our kids together, and it was great catching up and hearing about how everyone and their kids were. 

A few weren't able to make it and we all agreed that we need to get together more frequently, but it was awesome. So happy to have these women in my life! 

2. Werther's Candies. During our road trip, I happened to grab some Werther's candies for snack bags. I hadn't had them in ages. I realize some might consider them "old people" candy but apparently I really like them. :) 

3. Lucky Ducky. On Monday, when we went out for Asher's birthday, I had this drink...

It's called the Lucky Ducky and it was yummy...and bigger than anticipated, lol. It was fun drinking out of a bathtub. :)

4. King of Tokyo. We enjoy playing games here. We tend to get in ruts, though. Recent favorites have been Ticket to Ride and 7 Wonders. Yesterday, then, we decided to play three games we hadn't played in ages. One of them was King of Tokyo and I got to be Gigasaur...

I died first but it was good. :) So happy to be able to enjoy time together with my guys, even when I lose. 

Okay, that's enough for now. Happy weekend to everyone! 


Twenty two

My Asher turned twenty two yesterday. :)

Yup. Good looking guy who makes faces when I try to take pictures of him. 

He's worked a couple of short term jobs this summer and is mostly relishing a lazy summer. He's been staying active with parkour, demo team, and riding his OneWheel...sometimes with other demo and Taekwondo Club friends. He's also been re-reading his way through all the Rick Riordan books and making plans to possibly tackle some other fun experiences (but has been waiting out some injuries). 

In August, he'll head back to UNC (University of Northern Colorado). He'll have two more years in his program (Sport & Exercise Science: Physical Education K-12 Teaching)...will be living in the same dorm room again this coming year...and is looking forward to another year in the UNC Taekwondo Club (along with the UNC PE Club). It's been lovely watching him find his people and enjoy his major. Having seen him with his younger cousins recently, it's clear that working with kids and keeping them active is a good path for him. Listening to him talk about some of his classes, I know that he truly cares about it, too. 

We didn't do anything particularly exciting yesterday (hard on Mondays anyhow)...went out to dinner and dessert, played some games, and opened gifts from his brothers and grandparents. I love that he loves hanging out with us still and am looking forward to seeing what the coming year brings for him. 

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