Thankful Thursday

Quick post today. I know I'm "behind" but also know that it's more important to me right now to be spending time with my guys. I'll catch up more after the holidays probably. ;) So. Here are some things I'm thankful for lately...
1. Tuba Christmas. Back on December 7, Nathan and I ventured up to Old Town for a nice date lunch, listening to part of the annual Tuba Christmas and doing a little shopping together.
The weather was much nicer than last year when we first attended, and we enjoyed our people watching immensely.
2. Tim's gym. More than eleven years in and I'm still enjoying boot camp three mornings a week with most of the same group. During the pandemic, we formed a core group, meeting over Zoom and getting together in person every so often (sometimes just socially, not to work out). Recently, Tim, our evil-trainer-yet-motivating-force, and his wife opened their own physical gym. (They'd been training people over Zoom and in their basement since the pandemic.) While we still do boot camp over Zoom for various reasons, most of us have also joined his gym and have been enjoying seeing each other in person there lately. Thankful for workout buddies who keep me going!
3. Mr. Asher. On December 12, I helped Asher pack up his dorm room for the winter break. While there, I spotted this on his desk. It makes me smile that this is how students address him when he's teaching for a class.
4. Packages done and wrapped. I got everything in the mail on Monday and have everything here wrapped and am feeling pretty good about it all. I always conveniently forget how long it takes to wrap and package everything, but at least it's done, lol. Along the way, I was particularly thankful for the new postage scale I finally thought to order (I'd been having to go in person for any packages over 3lb but now have a new scale that goes up to 50lb so can print all my postage at home...yay!) and for grid lines on the reverse of wrapping paper (makes the OCD in me so much happier to cut in straight lines, lol).
5. Fudge gifts. We made fudge again this year for various neighbors and friends. Almost done actually delivering them all, too. Thankful for this easy treat and that we bought this specific cutter tool (last year? the year before?). It makes creating fairly uniform bites soooo much easier and quicker!
We tried two new flavors this year: candy cane and hot cocoa. Oh! I was also very thankful to find pre-crushed candy canes and tiny marshmallows specifically for baking. Hooray for specialized ingredients! (Actually crushing candy canes and using normal marshmallows would work also but this was considerably easier.)
Okay. That's my list for now. Micah's semester finally finished last night and he got home today. Off to enjoy the holiday season with my full house now. Hope you're all able to do the same!

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