Thankful Thursday

Here's my list this week...
1. Throwback Thursday. So thankful that I took as many photos as I did when my boys were younger. I love being able to look back and see these smiling faces 17 years ago.
2. Hard cider. Nathan and I decided to try out Locust Cider in Old Town for date lunch last week. My blackened fish tacos were delicious, their completely gluten free menu is pretty cool, and their hard cider selections were yummy!
This was a small Vanilla Bean cider after the pint of Honey Pear cider I had with my meal. I can't decide which I like better...
3. Micah's college experience. So. Last Friday (the end of the first week of classes), Micah changed his major and all but one of his classes. My college friend, Sarah, laughed and said he took after me. (I may have changed my major in college a good number of times, lol.) In fact, though, all of us here but Noah changed our majors. So there. Of course, the rest of us didn't do it during the first week. :) But, that's Micah.
Micah has plenty of experience with college classes (having pretty much only taken college classes all through high school) and a healthy self-awareness so seems confident that business wasn't the right major for him after attending the classes. He says there wasn't anything "wrong" with them or the professors (acknowledging that it is a good business school, which is what attracted him in the first place), but he just couldn't see himself doing that for the next three years. (Thanks to already having his AA, he would have finished the business degree in three years or less.) Given that he'd already taken a good number of college business classes and earned four business certificates along with his AA, it feels like he gave it a solid chance.
So. He spent Friday drawing on his existing college experience to go around campus, meeting with the appropriate people to get his major officially changed to Philosophy, drop his business classes, enroll in new classes, and switch out all his books. He now has two philosophy classes and two other upper-division classes in the College of Arts & Science that will count toward his requirements. He spent the weekend catching up on what he'd missed in the classes, attended them for the first time yesterday, and is thrilled.
Thankful, then, to have a happy boy who knows what he wants and knew how to get it. :)
(Thankful, too, that the philosophy degree can actually be finished even sooner and costs less than the business degree...and that none of Micah's scholarship money was tied to his major so switching won't impact things like it did for Asher at UNO.)
4. Asher home on the weekends. Asher seems to be enjoying his classes at UNC, has joined a few clubs, and is doing well. One of his classes had a field trip today to observe an elementary PE class, he's really liking the Taekwondo club, and his outdoor adventures class has an overnight excursion next weekend that he's looking forward to.
And. He comes home on the weekends. I'd like to say it's because he misses me, but I know that he's coming home to go to karate, lol. It's okay. I'll take it! Last week, he needed a photo of himself for a class, so I got to take this...
5. Settlers of Catan. We didn't have any real plans for the long weekend, but Noah, Asher and I played a game of Settlers of Catan...and I WON! I never win, so this was worth documenting. ;)
(We don't need to talk about the house rules that Asher and I instituted about re-rolling, lol.)
That's it for now. Settling in for a less busy September and looking forward to fall...

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