
So. It's mid-September. One month ago, we moved Asher to UNC and then moved Micah to CU the week after. Things have settled down now; time for a status report. :)
1. College. Both Asher and Micah appear to be adjusting to college just fine. They're both finding their people and enjoying at least some of their classes. Both joined their college's Taekwondo Clubs and each have a couple other groups they're participating in also. So far, classes and life in the dorms are going fine.
Asher had an overnight up in Estes Park for his Outdoor Adventures class this weekend, and Micah's surviving the craziness on CU's campus during the Rocky Mountain Showdown football game this weekend. (The Rock is there!)
2. Visits. I think I've mentioned before...Asher comes home on the weekends to go to karate. It's a nice opportunity to touch base and catch up. And last weekend, for about 24 hours, we got to catch up a little with Micah, too. Every four weeks, we'll go pick him up and bring him home so he can get his infusion. The drive time and sitting with him during his infusion is some lovely time for conversation. He had some great stories about people he's encountered at CU and has been enjoying getting out and exploring campus and Boulder. He's a big fan, too, of the bus systems there.
3. Household. It's quieter around here with only the three of us now. But we also have less laundry and fewer dishes and lighter grocery bills, so there's that. :) And with Micah not taking a car to college, Noah can now drive himself to and from work, which saves me that small task. Plus, the piles of things staged for dorm room move-in are gone and I took a load of stuff from boys' bedrooms to Goodwill this week, too. (For the record, the boys created the load of stuff for Goodwill over the summer and as they were packing; I did not go through their rooms in their absence.)
4. Bucket list. With more time of my own, I've been a bit adrift so far. But. I've been revisiting my bucket list for some inspiration. It's not a full bucket list, but a year or two ago I made my own private "50 before 50" list. One of the items had to do with climbing. At Ascent, there's an area called "the ramp." I'm not a great climber so I only ever manage the one route on the ramp that's along the wall. (Along the wall is easier since you aren't just hanging the entire time, lol.) On my list, then, I have "climb a ramp route that's not along the wall." And, on Monday, I DID IT! I finished that orange route!
It's not the hardest route I've ever climbed but it was a significant accomplishment for me. I climb overhang in other parts of the gym but was in my own head about this part of the ramp. Feeling proud of myself and ready to tackle a new challenge!
And that's where things stand around here. Asher and Micah are off and well. Our pace here has slowed with fewer people in the house, and we're adjusting and finding our new rhythm.

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