Nathan's birthday & Father's Day celebration

You may remember that I've decided that we had too many events in our summers (with Mother's Day and my birthday and Father's Day and Asher's birthday and Micah's birthday and Nathan's birthday all in a row) so I declared that we're now celebrating Mother's Day on my birthday and Father's Day on Nathan's birthday. :)
Well, yesterday was Nathan's birthday. We celebrated by elevating our Father's Day mini golf tradition and trying out Top Golf for the first time. For three of us, it was the first time we'd ever swung a golf club outside of miniature golf. We didn't do great but we had fun. :) (I even accidentally hit the guy in the ball collection cart, lol.) And I got our traditional photo of Nathan and the boys...
We enjoyed some wings while at Top Golf then went to a late lunch at a nearby ramen place. We weren't able to get pie as planned when we got back to Fort Collins (multiple places we tried were closed or had their dessert section closed for a few was a little ridiculous) so got ice cream instead and then enjoyed vegging for the rest of the evening. It was good.
So very blessed to celebrate this man! We're a little busy this month, but I hope he knows how appreciated he is.

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