Happy birthday and Happy Father's Day to Nathan!

(Woohoo! I *think* I have the blog file storage issues in hand now. Yay!)
So, remember how I declared that this year we'd celebrate Mother's and Father's Days on my and Nathan's birthdays? Well, last weekend was Nathan's birthday and we celebrated both that and Father's Day.
For his birthday, we got Nathan a membership to Wings Over the Rockies. Also, they were having a special event called Dream Machines at one of their locations in Denver. They had cool cars and planes...some simulators...and a gyro chair. We wandered and enjoyed...
After that, we grabbed lunch at the airport restaurant and were entertained by the "ladies who lunch" at the table behind us. :) Then we went home and tackled some weekend errands before playing the new game Asher got for Nathan.
On Sunday, we celebrated a belated Father's Day by playing some miniature golf...
Let's just say that we kept score during the first round but got creative during the second. There was simultaneous putting (Noah and Asher were amazingly good at this)...using the tiny golf club we found at one of the holes..."batting" the golf ball...teeing off with eyes closed...golfing on one leg...and climbing *all* the rocks (just like when they were little). Also, public service announcement: that water feature under the waterfall is deeper than one might think.
(Micah got a bit frustrated...threw Noah's ball into the water...and then retrieved it. Unfortunately, not realizing how deep the water was, he didn't take his phone out of his pocket. Fortunately, the phone now appears to be mostly okay.)
In any case, it was a really fun morning and a nice return to tradition. With only a few exceptions, we've managed to play miniature golf most years for or very near Father's Day...
This spans 2004 to the present. Along the way, there were years with alternate activities like hiking in Zion, going to Europe, and indoor rock climbing...and I'm going ahead and counting croquet as miniature golf-like...but still mostly miniature golf. Happy.
After that we enjoyed a delicious lunch at The Farmhouse (at Jessup Farm) followed by ice cream at Josh & John's. It was a good weekend. :)

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