A last first

Micah started his senior year today! It's his last first day of high school...the start of a number of lasts for us as my baby finishes up his secondary education journey. He headed off early this morning to Front Range Community College, where he takes three classes. (His remaining class is online. See my curriculum link on the left for a list of his classes.)
Before leaving to drive to his 8am class, he cooperated for my traditional first day picture...
...which is crazy because it feels like this is how he looked just yesterday...
This was his very first, first day picture when he started kindergarten back in 2010. He was so excited to finally get to go to Options (the one day a week homeschool enrichment program we participated in) with his big brothers. :)
It feels odd that Micah's my only son starting school today. This is a first. With Noah having graduated college in May and Asher taking the year off from UNO to earn his private pilot's license, it's just Micah today. (More on what the other two are up to later this week...)
In any case, Micah's feeling pretty good about being a senior. He's just finishing up a few random requirements for his Associates degree. (Really, he could have finished last year easily, but we all agreed that finishing high school in three years wasn't necessarily the best thing for him so we spread things out a bit.) Also, he has a good start on his college applications process already and somehow managed to arrange his classes so that he only has classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays this semester...yay!
So...we're off! Happy back to school, everyone!

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