Thankful Thursday

Looks like it's been a bit since my last Thankful Thursday. :) Guess I'll do a little catching up...
1. Good friends! Last night we had a moms' night and actually remembered to take a picture this time. Miraculously, we managed to get nine of us together. So thankful for this group of women (and the ones who couldn't make it)! We've raised our kids together (we all met through our homeschool group) and still enjoy each other's company even now that our kids don't hang out together.
Between the nine of us who made it last night, we've graduated 18 of our 26 kids. Woohoo! It was lovely hearing about what everyone's kids are doing these days and how life is beyond our homeschooling days.
2. Car discussions. Back when we road tripped to Montana altogether, I forgot to mention something. Thankful for car discussions with boys. Now that they all drive, we don't have as many opportunities for car discussions...where the boys are captive and thus actually talk, lol. Our road trip was a nice reminder of that. I additionally loved the randomness of the conversations...with things like debates over the correct orientation for eating Pringles and who each boy's favorite Pokemon was, lol.
3. YMCA. Not only is it a fun song, but it's a great organization, and I'm appreciative that they have such good programs here in northern Colorado. Asher worked at the YMCA after school program for the past school year and learned a lot. He decided to take a break for the summer but was recently approached. They needed more help and reached out to ask him to come help at summer camp on Fridays for the rest of the summer. He started a couple weeks ago...and is glad he didn't sign on for the entire summer but happy to have just some work for the end of the summer.
4. Happy climbing. Yup, I continue to go climbing...usually a couple times a week. For Christmas, I got this awesome chalk bag. It makes me happy every time. :)
5. Boys who cook. Nathan's out of town right now. Those who know us know that Nathan's the one who does most of the cooking around here. While he's gone, then, I'm particularly thankful that I have boys who also cook. Micah was in charge of dinner tonight and Noah's on for tomorrow. Yay!
And that's some of what I'm thankful for today. :)

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