My Asher turned 21 yesterday. Twenty one.
We didn't do anything overly exciting...went to lunch up in Old Town at 415 then got dessert at The Waffle Lab and Walrus...wandered Old Town a bit before picking up the week's groceries and heading home...and watched the third Hobbit movie. (We started rewatching The Hobbit on movie night this week, lol.) After dinner, we had some cookie cake. Good eats and good time together. :)
Along the way, I tried to get some decent birthday photos. This was the best of the lot...
(I'm biased but he's pretty handsome, right? Maybe needs a haircut, though, lol.)
...but I also ended up with a lot like these...
Yup, he has a very expressive face and can definitely be a goofball. Also, he's way bigger than 21 years ago...
(Given that they're all mostly done growing now, I don't have height comparison photos this year.)
So, let's see. My Asher is getting ready to transfer to UNC (University of Northern Colorado) after taking this past year off and learning more about himself while taking flight lessons and working at YMCA after school programs. It's been lovely to watch him...trying on different ideas and starting to listen more closely to what makes him happy. He'll be majoring in Sport & Exercise Science: Physical Education K-12 Teaching...is actually looking forward to some of his classes...and will be living on campus in a dorm but coming home (it's about 40 minutes away) at least some weekends to still participate in his karate demo team. He's been enjoying adding more tricking posts to his Instagram account (@ashertricks) and attending tricking classes down in Denver on the weekends. He still likes gaming online with friends and can be relied on to agree with me on movies moreso than his brothers, lol.
Happy sigh. This guy. He's a hard worker...a team player...a great listener. We're looking forward to this coming adventure and hoping it brings him much joy and confidence.

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