Thankful Thursday

Hello, all! How's your December going? Things here are pretty good. :) Here's my list...
1. Asher. Asher's been home from UNC since Dec 5. Finals officially finished on the 8th, but his were earlier in the week. He's been enjoying the downtime and recently bought himself a OneWheel to get around campus (as next semester he has some quick transitions that will require some hustle to get from class to class on opposite ends of the campus...and he's not a fan of bicycles). It arrived Tuesday. He spent the day riding around figuring it out. (Fortunately, he picks physical things up pretty quickly.)
Thankful that he has this time to get comfortable with it before classes start again and that he's taking his safety seriously. :)
2. Micah's fundraiser. Huge thanks to all of you who have helped Micah out with his Taekwondo Club fundraiser!! He's almost at his goal!
(In the meantime, Micah's still in his finals won't finish until Dec 20th.)
3. Tuba Christmas. On Saturday, Nathan and I attended our first Tuba Christmas up in Old Town. Apparently, it's an annual thing...with volunteer tuba players from around the area, ranging in age from 11 to 76 for the Fort Collins gathering. It was quite impressive (and chilly), and Nathan was thrilled that they included Carol of the Bells.
After that, Nathan and I wandered Old Town and did a wee bit of shopping/browsing. It was a lovely afternoon!
4. Friends. Always thankful for friends! I've enjoyed conversations, lunch, coffee, and holiday gatherings lately with all different friends. So appreciative to have such a wonderful community! It's always tricky to get together around the holidays, so I'm especially glad we were able to make it work. :)
5. Packages are in the mail! I have, I think, all my gift packages in the mail as of this morning...woohoo!! There are always more things on the to do list, especially around the holidays, but I'm going to take this moment to bask in having checked this one off the list.
And then I'll need to get back to that list... ;)

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