Guest post: Micah

Hi everyone! This is Micah writing this. (Thanks for letting me use your blog, mom! <3)
You probably all know that I’ve been doing martial arts since before I could even do a proper jumping jack, and you probably also know that I’m still practicing. What you might not know yet is that I joined the CU Taekwondo team this semester and that we have a good shot at becoming Collegiate National Champions! (Since Deion couldn’t do it.) Also, unlike Deion and the football team, the school doesn’t just throw money at us. So, if I’m going to join my team at the Collegiate National Championship, I need your help!
My personal fundraising goal is $500!
To make this more fun, I’ll also work out based off of donations: every $1 = 2 Push ups, every $5 = 2 pull ups, every $50 = 10 backflips. I’ll document how much exercise I end up doing on my instagram @micah.x.p.
Working out aside, martial arts has always been a huge part of my life and has shaped so much of who I am today, and I’m sure it will continue to shape who I become in the future. The CU Taekwondo team has made my college experience so much richer and more rewarding, and I love it dearly. Anything that you can donate to help me follow my team to Nationals would mean the world to me. Thank you all for reading this and here is the donation link!
(Amanda interjecting here to explain that the donation page isn't the easiest to figure out. If you click the link, you'll see a note from Micah at the top with his picture. Just below that (in what appears to be a different thing but isn't), there's a large "Give Now" button. Click that and then it will ask you to choose a story--select "CU Taekwondo 2023-2024." Proceed from there with entering your information. It won't ever ask you about Micah or indicate that it's going to his fundraising but it will. Really. I tried it just to make sure. :) Apparently it tracks based on the initial link that he provided and will know that it goes through him.)
P.S. Here are some pictures of me and my teammates...
P.P.S. Here is a fun video we made if you want to meet some of my teammates!
Thank you, thank you! -Micah

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