Toothpick Bridges, take 2

So. Once upon a time, we made toothpick bridges (see here and here) and tested them (here). Since it's been seven years, we decided to do them again, lol.
As part of our architecture class, I've been assigning different structures and having the boys research the structure, find more information about examples around the world, and then build them or write papers about them. So far, we've covered cathedrals, columns, castles, domes, towers and now bridges. Some of the structures have been built in Minecraft (and got pretty elaborate), but for bridges we opted for actual construction using toothpicks.
(Noah, technically, hasn't been doing any of this but joined us for our bridge unit.)
I had specifications and rules and such, and the boys each took their own approach to the task. They had to start with the research then had a couple weeks to build. On Sunday, we tested. Here's what we ended up with...the top row is before we tested the bridges and the bottom row is after having tested:
To test them, I had Noah build a testing apparatus:
We added sand to the bucket hanging below the bridge and they were judged based on strength to weight ratio. Since Asher's weighed the most, we started with his and went in order from heaviest to lightest bridges. And in the end, Micah emerged triumphant!
He was pretty pleased and earned himself a shiny Pikachu keychain. ;) (I bought some silly prizes off a clearance rack and let them choose in order...which means Asher ended up with the pretty Elsa hat with attached blond braid, lol. Let's just say that Asher definitely prefers building in Minecraft.)
And thus ends our bridge unit. :) Tunnels are up next...

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