Friday Photos

Realizing that I've got a wee backlog of photos to share so will do that now...
These first two were taken almost two weeks ago when Asher & Micah were invited to go on a birthday hike up Horsetooth Rock with a fellow demo team member. I hear the kids had a great time, and (fortunately) the weather cooperated grandly. Three of the dads (including Nathan) ended up hiking along with the group, which is how I have these pictures. :)
Though we've lived in Fort Collins almost 16 years now, we surprisingly hadn't ever hiked Horsetooth. We'll work on rectifying that (for Noah and me) at some point...
On Wednesday, in preparation for seeing the next Marvel movie ("Infinity War"), the boys and I skipped out on afternoon schoolwork and went to the theater to re-watch "Black Panther." Yay! (There's been lots of speculation in our household about what's going to happen and which characters will die in the coming movie, lol.)
And finally:
A neighbor recently tipped us off to a family of owls in our neighborhood, so Asher, Micah and I walked over yesterday to check them out. We think this is the mama owl. Our neighbor says there are three just about ready to fly and two more smaller than that.
That first picture was taken at the start of our walk. These next two were taken on the walk back home.
We're pretty sure the lower owl (on the left there) is the mama still and the one up high (on the right) is the dad (who we've also seen flying about the neighborhood lately). The nest is between the two...almost just below the dad. If you walk around the other side of the tree...
That's dad up on top and the nest below. If you look carefully, you can see the fluff of someone else in the nest.
And that was yesterday's walk. :)

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