
Yesterday I drove Micah down to the Denver Aquarium for a Marine Biologist for a Day program. He LOVED it!
This was before he headed inside...where he got to feed some of the fish, see behind-the-scenes all along the exhibit path, meet new people, learn lots of interesting facts, say hi to one of the tigers, get bitten by a sting ray, and dissect a squid. Did I mention that he loved it? :)
While he was doing all of that, I met friends nearby for coffee, chatting, taking a walk, having lunch and chatting some more.
What started out as a rather gloomy, wet day turned into a beautiful spring Colorado day...which I thoroughly enjoyed. :) Thanks, ladies!
And then I walked back to the aquarium and picked up a very delighted Micah. We drove back to Fort Collins (with Micah filling me in on all of his experiences as we drove) and picked up Noah after his last class before heading home briefly.
After that, I went to my second City Works session and learned all sorts of valuable information about recycling and sustainability in Fort Collins (still so impressed by and happy with this city we live in!) before swinging by to pick up Noah from his weekly HeroClix event and finally going home to my pajamas. :)

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