
I've been really enjoying my FitBit lately. In honor of the fact that it's Friday and I haven't blogged much lately and I like lists, lol, here are some random thoughts related to enjoying my FitBit...
1. I'm currently on a roll...I've managed more than 10,000 steps a day for more than 3 weeks (roughly). Yay, me! Apparently, I'm the type of person who's motivated by little gold stars--or vibrating wrists and green stars as the case may be. :) (Yeah, no one should be surprised by this, lol.)
2. Given that, I felt I deserved new walking shoes:
(They're super comfy, though I'm not crazy about the color. Trying to find what I was looking for proved difficult. I hate when companies discontinue stuff I like! Enough said, lol.)
3. I've been going for lots of walks around my neighborhood. I've decided some things:
- I really like my neighborhood. It's well kept and established and offers a variety of routes.
- I used to think that our house was on the lower end in comparison to those around us. Having been walking the neighborhood and looking at all the houses, though, I'm feeling better about ours...especially after the improvements we made last summer/fall after the hail storm. (This is not to say that the inside measures up, lol, but I'll take what I can get.)
- I've decided that I don't really like our front door area. It's super boring. I wish we had a porch or an overhang or something.
- I feel like we're ahead of the trends. Our house *was* green when there were almost no other green houses. We painted it red last summer and now suddenly everywhere I look there are green houses (most of them having been painted around the time we were having ours painted red after the hail storm). ;) Do you think people will paint their houses red during the next round? (Probably not, eh? There are a LOT more shades of green that are appropriate for exterior paint than there are for red, lol.)
- Some people really need advising about house color selection. ;)
4. I truly appreciate the luxury I have, in that my schedule and lifestyle allows me the flexibility to go for walks and get in my 10,000 steps daily. I can see how difficult that could be under other circumstances and know that I'm blessed.

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