Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Ten on Tuesday

So. I haven't been posting much lately. I know. I tend to get all hermit-y in January and February. ;) In any case, here's an attempt to catch up some:

1. Last Thursday, Noah got his new cams and such for his bow so that it fits again. Yay! Of course, now with the bigger cams, his bow no longer fits in his case. Of course. :( He was bummed because that case was such a good find/deal...most other hard cases are too short and/or considerably more expensive. (If you know of anyone who's looking for one, we have one...almost new condition! It's this one.) Sigh. Ordered a new case yesterday...(he ended up going with a soft case, as he couldn't bring himself to spend that much on the only hard cases that would work).

2. Micah, a week or so ago, was giving me a hard time because I was browsing new boots. He proclaimed that I have *enough* boots. He then promptly begged to buy a stuffed rhinoceros. Because, you know, he doesn't have *enough* stuffies, lol. (For the record, I didn't buy any boots and only have six pair. He did use some of his Christmas money to buy the rhinoceros (named Charger) and has at least three dozen other stuffies. So there.)

3. I spend a lot of time driving Micah and Asher to things. It's not like the drives are long (fortunately), but let's just say that sometimes their conversations are a bit much for my tired brain. (Sometimes, we have great conversations, but that's not what I'm talking about right now, lol.) Sometimes, too, they spend the whole time singing Minecraft video parodies that get really old really fast. ;P In an attempt to drown out the back seat recently, I tried turning on the radio...something I hardly ever do since I really don't listen to music. Wouldn't you know it? They simply switched gears and began singing along (loudly) to the radio. Never mind that they totally (totally!) did not know any of the words. Yeah. I experimented a couple more times just to be thorough, but I've learned my lesson. No more radio. ;)

4. Speaking of driving boys to things, Micah and Asher have performed a couple times recently with their Karate West demo team. I love watching them and love that it's something they enjoy together:

(This was them looking at the agenda that had been typed up for the Black Belt Promotion last month...so that they'd know which routine was next.)

5. I had a revelation recently about Micah and his book preferences. I couldn't decipher why he wasn't enjoying the same books that Noah and Asher had. After some probing, though, I think I figured it out. Duh! Micah, my sole extrovert, prefers books with more than one main character. :) He likes teams of people and action rather than introspection. Yup. Should have seen that sooner. :)

6. Nathan was in Hawaii again last week. Stinker. Poor developer who works on a contract for Hawaiian Airlines. Yeah, he doesn't get much sympathy around here, lol. While he was gone, I got to shovel snow:

This was when the snow first started last Wednesday. I shoveled about four inches before the sun came out and we went back to our strangely warm February Colorado weather. I'm really not complaining. :)

7. That same day, I took the younger two (while Noah was at school) to try out the new local trampoline place. Given that it was about 11 am on a weekday, we virtually had the place to ourselves. And the boys had a BLAST:

I can't figure out how to load a video here but they particularly enjoyed the area where they could bounce off a trampoline, do a front flip and land in the foam pit. :) I'm still totally not getting a trampoline here but am willing to let them burn off some steam at this place...and am again very thankful that the gymnastics lessons have been teaching them how to properly jump and land and how *not* to land if one hopes to avoid broken bones. :)

8. Speaking of gymnastics, Micah has decided that he's no longer interested in taking gymnastics classes. This is okay with me, though it took me completely by surprise. He seemed like he was having such a good time and never complained about anything after class. Apparently, he's just realized that he's not very good at it (um, true, lol) and that he has enough on his plate already with archery, karate and demo team.

9. Noah, by the way, is finally starting to swim again. With archery as his only extra-curricular lately, I've been bugging him to get back in the pool as we'd agreed when he stopped swim team back in October. He needs the exercise outlet. ;) Anyhow...he and Nathan are trying to get to the pool at the gym once a week together to start with. Here's hoping this cuts down on Noah's time currently dedicated to pestering his brothers, lol.

10. As of yesterday, our taxes are done! And by "done," I mean that we've handed everything over to our accountant and are just waiting for her to work her magic. :) To celebrate after our meeting with her, Nathan and I went out to lunch. They had this cool Lucky Buddha beer, which Nathan ordered, in part so we could get one of the awesome bottles:

And that's some of what's been going on around here lately... ;) 

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