Six Days in Steamboat: Days 3-4

Tuesday was my Asher's birthday! (more on that before long) We celebrated quietly for the most part...watching some soccer (which went to overtime) and taking it easy in the morning. Then we took Asher back to the gondola square area to do this bungee trampoline thing that he's been wanting to try:
He had a blast and was doing flips by the end. :)
After that, we did lunch back at the unit and watched the Belgium-USA soccer game, which was disappointing but still fun to watch. And there was swimming:
...followed by games and dinner at Beau Jo's and more games and then ice cream cake before bed. ;) End of Day 3.
Wednesday, remembering the fun we'd had the first/last time we were in Steamboat, we found our way to Amaze'n...a family amusement park. We were having such a good time I didn't get many pictures, but trust me when I say that we made the most of our day passes. ;)
First we played some miniature golf (during which I made an epic hole in one through a metal loop/ramp, thank you very much). Then we tried these new water walker things:
Oh my gosh. That was hilarious and awesome. The boys went first, followed by Nathan and me. It's way difficult to stand up in those and was more of a work out than anticipated, lol.
We took a break to go back to the unit for lunch then came back to run the maze...
It's timed. ;) You have to punch your card, then run through the maze collecting punches for each of the letters in the word "MAZE" (which you have to find scattered throughout the maze), then find your way out and punch the time clock again. If you make it in less than 12 minutes, you get a prize. Micah somehow managed seven minutes in his first run (the other two boys managed 8 minutes their second time through). It took a bit, but I'm pretty sure I've got that maze memorized now. ;)
Anyhow, after that we washed gems and did the maze again...this time with squirt guns! Yup. They give you these big squirt guns and have loading stations scattered throughout the maze. We got soaked! (Incidentally, we learned that they let people into the maze doing just the timed (dry) portion *while* we were already in there squirting each other. We were nice, though, and did our best to avoid spraying the other folks, lol.)
We played another round of mini golf while we were drying off then let the younger two play in the bounce house for awhile before heading back to the unit to clean up.
For the evening, Nathan and I got to enjoy the benefits of having grandparents to watch we went out to dinner at a lovely place called the Mahogany Ridge Brewery (YUM!) and delighted in their tiramisu:
...then wandered the streets of Steamboat before heading back to play some pinochle.
End of Day 4.

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