Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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August in review...

Okay, okay, I know I've been promising pictures forever and haven't really been good about that. I apologize. Truly. :) Here, then, is my review of the month in pictures...

We started out in Steamboat Springs with Nathan's parents for a fabulous week away. As I've already shared, the first morning of vacation found Nathan and I above Steamboat in a hot air balloon:

Later that afternoon, we all took the gondola up to the top of a nearby ridge:

We did lunch at the top, took some pictures and then returned to town. The boys enjoyed the ride so much, though, they rode around another time, LOL!

The next day, we found Fish Creek Falls. Though the falls weren't hugely impressive, the boys had a blast tossing rocks in the water and just playing:

We then returned the the unit we were staying at for some of our daily time in the pool:

Yes, btw, I have LOADS more pictures from each and every one of the things mentioned in this post. I'm trying to keep it under control, though... ;) Anyhow, the next day, we relented and took the boys to the amusement park type place they'd seen and begged for. It turned out to be a blast! First, we played the requisite round of miniature golf. Then we explored this cool maze thing they had:

Do you see Asher in the light green shirt and beige hat? Yeah, Nancy and I had fun watching all the boys try to find their way through the maze from our higher vantage point. The "point" was to find all the letters to the word "MAZE" and then get back out as quick as you could. To start with, though, we just did a round where the guys just wandered.

Later in the day, after a short break, we came back (we had all day passes) so the guys could partake in the "squirt gun fun" portion of the maze:

Yup, each guy got a huge water gun that could be filled at various stations throughout the maze and then were just let loose inside (the water eventually turned off to signal you were done). Considering the heat that afternoon, it was perfect:

(Yes, the guns were really that big...Nathan had to help Micah hold his up when it was full, lol.) After that, we took advantage of the little "mining" activity similar to one we'd done in Colorado Springs last summer (so the boys knew exactly what to do):

After finding all the hidden treasures in the bags provided by the management, we played another round of miniature golf before heading back to the unit. The next morning, we went back (it was a 24 hour pass) for one more round and a quick run through the maze...this time timed. Asher, surprisingly, emerged victorious, as he found all the letter stations for the word "MAZE" and made his way back out in just 6 minutes! 

The afternoon, then, was spent at the Yampa Botanic Gardens listening to live music and wandering among the gorgeous flowers (click to view larger):

Afternoon showers cut our visit short, so we headed back the next morning to take a few more shots:

I love this one of Asher and his Grandpa John! (And, yes, obviously, I had tons of other photos from the gardens...you'll have to wait till I get around to doing a layout to see more, lol.) There was also a little park just outside the gardens that the boys enjoyed playing at:

After all that, we grabbed lunch and headed to the Continental Divide (via an incredibly bumpy road) where we took a lovely hike, partially in celebration of Grandma Nancy's birthday. 

And that, pretty much, was our trip to Steamboat. ;) 

The following week was spent catching up...and getting the Good Grief Blog off the ground...and buying the boys new shoes for the fall...and celebrating Nathan's birthday with dinner out (had already done the hot air balloon thing, too)...and going to Ali's birthday party (she's 10 and lives across the street and the boys adore her...of course, the boys declared afterward that girl parties have too much shrieking, LOL!). That weekend, Nathan took the boys for a hike up around the Poudre River area:

The next week started the fall soccer season. Here's Micah at his very first soccer practice ever (he insisted on wearing the jersey because he was just delighted to have one, lol):

That weekend, I had an all day crop with some fabulous ladies while Nathan took the boys to an airshow down in Denver:

(He really took some goregous shots! This is just one example and is pretty much straight out of the camera.) 

The next week was full of trying to get ready for the school year and sorting out soccer practices. Friday (8/29), though, the boys and I met up with friends for an awesome afternoon along the Poudre River:

This past Saturday brought the boys' first soccer games of the season. Due to overlap (which is pretty much inevitable with three boys in soccer, LOL), Nathan took Asher to his game while I took Noah and Micah. All three boys won their games (officially, of course, they don't keep score at Micah's age) so were happy. Nathan and Asher made it over in time to see the last half of Micah's game, and we all had to chuckle at the difference in watching U8 and U9 games as compared to U5 games:

Aren't they just adorable?! (U5 is co-ed, btw, but Micah's team ended up not having any girls...which made him happy since little girls freak him out, LOL!) Much easier, too, to photograph the considerably smaller field for U5 games. ;) And, here are all three of my guys after the end of Micah's game:

Then, yesterday (Sunday), we headed up to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park for some family time...hiked to Alberta Falls. The boys and I had done this trail before with John & Nancy, but Nathan hadn't been on it. 

This time around, the boys got to do a bit more venturing and rock climbing such that Asher declared this "the most awesome waterfall ever!" On the way back out, we saw squirrels, elk, deer (and fawns), coyotes and even wild turkeys:

All in all, it was a lovely day that ended with tuckered boys...which is always good, lol!

And that, my friends, brings us to today...the last day of August. We have Open House for our Options program this afternoon (just to pick up schedules and meet teachers...first day of class isn't until Sept 14)...and then, I suppose, I'll need to face the fact that September starts tomorrow... ;)

Reader Comments (4)


August 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterslammie

Love all the pics ... the soccer ones are adorable! :)

August 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjen

Looks like you had a wonderful trip! So many beautiful encounters with nature!!!

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMartha

I recognize that gondola! My hubby and I honeymooned in Steamboat Springs and go there about once a year now. Also love Fish Creek Falls and Strawberry Hot Springs!

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLauren

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