Change of pace

My "bookends" (yes, I call them's easier/quicker than saying both their names, lol) had their third JOAD tournament of the season on Saturday. It was down in Colorado Springs. As it was Nathan's turn to make that trip, Asher and I stayed in Fort Collins and enjoyed the day together as our monthly "one on one" time (since we won't be able to do so on Wednesday when we'd normally do it...thanks, braces, lol).
As per Nathan's reports, Noah once again *almost* set a new personal record, dropping points with his last arrow of the first round to end up one point shy of his personal best. Yeah. He was miffed and, unsurprisingly, didn't shoot as well during his second round. As luck would have it, though, he still managed to place third in his division...the first time he's ever placed! Nathan made sure to get a picture of Noah with his coach to commemorate the occasion:
Meanwhile, Micah shot decently, not setting any personal records but managing more consistency at this distance than his previous two that was okay. :) And, for the first time in the 20 tournaments he's shot in, Micah didn't place in the top three...which was slightly disappointing to him but a good reminder that he's got tougher competition these days.
(Honestly, we hadn't expected him to place at all during this first season at the longer distance. The fact that he managed to do so during the first two tournaments had somewhat skewed his expectations, so this is good for his motivation and goal setting.)
So. A different outcome than we're used to and another tournament under our belts. Whew. :)

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