Four on Friday

1. Why do I always talk myself into trying to still do schoolwork during December? You'd really think I'd know better by now, having homeschooled for almost a decade. ;) Ugh. Nothing in particular, but I feel like I'm swimming in to-do lists and schoolwork is falling short. (And, for the record, I *did* deliberately schedule less schoolwork this month, knowing it would get busy. And. I know I should still do something because I know my boys well enough to know that a really long break isn't the best route for us. Still. Bleh.)
2. So, Asher's officially a "go" for getting braces on Wednesday. (We had one last appointment earlier this week to verify dental hygiene issues had been resolved and checked out with a thumbs up.) They told him he could bring his iPod and listen to music for the braces I asked him if he wanted to do that. His response? "But then I'd want to dance!" So, yeah, no music apparently, lol. ;)
3. Please restore my faith in people and tell me stories of businesses and organizations who actually return your calls and emails promptly and recognize the value of keeping you in the loop if they're going to be late and realize that *your* time is also important. Ugh. Just irritated lately with multiple contractors not returning emails and then not showing up (and not bothering to tell you they're not going to show up, though you spent the day waiting for them) and people thinking it's okay to leave things to the very last minute even though they've had at least a month to set up an appointment with you and then assuming that you'll be available because you have to be.
(That last one is directed at Noah's advisor...who has yet to schedule a meeting with us to select classes for spring semester--even though Noah only has five days of this semester left and even though we were told he'd schedule the appointment with us before Thanksgiving "for sure" and even though I emailed him about it two weeks ago and he hasn't replied and even though I also tried calling. I'm trying very hard to be all zen about it but am offended, if you want the truth. I may go to the building and start stalking him. True story.)
Anyhow. What is it with people?! And, is it coincidence that all of these people I'm irritated with are men?
4. Amid the Black Friday sales, I snagged myself a FitBit (the Charge version, if you're curious). I'm finding it difficult to reach 10,000 steps each day and am much more aware of how inactive I am most of the day. But. I'm enjoying the extra motivation. If you have one and want to challenge each other, let me know. :)
Okay, off to call CEC, meet with yet another contractor (though this one actually has been returning my emails so I'm hopeful), tackle some schoolwork, run a couple errands and then get boys to karate. Here's to productivity, right? ;)
Reader Comments (1)
I kind of feel the same as #3 when it comes to people RSVPing for a party. Just saying that if you are invited to a party the polite thing to do is look at your calendar and let the person know "yes, no, or at least maybe." Ignoring anyone is just rude. :)