Thursday thoughts

1. Last Sunday, Noah and Micah had JOAD practice. I snapped this picture because it cracks me up how much of a difference in height there is. ;)
2. I've decided I need to rearrange my Tuesday schoolwork schedule. :) After gymnastics around lunch time, the boys are wiped, lol. The last two weeks, for instance, Micah has fallen asleep during afternoon schoolwork (between gymnastics and karate). So. Going to need to make Tuesday afternoon's schoolwork more hands-on. ;)
3. I think I should get extra credit or something for not having opened the Halloween candy yet. Seriously.
4. Last night I re-started a past tradition of one-on-one nights with each of my guys...I realized it had been awhile and that I missed it. Yesterday was Noah's turn. We got some food and talked and spent time at the Fort Fun arcade area, playing games like skee ball and basketball shoot-out and air hockey and this weird snow mobile race game. It was awesome. Noah even consented to take this picture of the two of us:
Now. Off to get a heap of things crossed off my to-do list. Happy Thursday, y'all!

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