Outside my window

1. The hungry squirrels are back...or at least one of them. ;) We caught him in the act yesterday, less than 24 hours after having placed some pumpkins on the front step. I was smart, though, I held out the pumpkins the boys are planning to carve and kept those in the garage. Ha!
2. Not last weekend but the weekend before, Nathan and I planted some bulbs out front to hopefully bloom come spring. Everyone keep your fingers crossed, okay? :) (We took a lovely class at the Fort Collins Nursery earlier in the month to learn about bulbs and such...yay, us!)
3. Next week we should finally get our backyard almost all back in order, as the landscaper guy is set to come install our paver patio with minor landscaping around the edges. We'll still need stairs down from the kitchen to said patio, but the stair guy is coming then also to get us a bid. Whew. It will be lovely to finally wrap up all the hail storm projects!
4. It will be nice, too, when winter comes and all the roofing companies around the neighborhood finally get a break. Man. I think everyone in our neighborhood has gotten or is getting a new roof. It'll be so quiet without the constant hammering, lol.
5. We haven't been able to finish up our fall cleanup other than having had the sprinklers blown out already. The leaves out front have changed but remain stubbornly on the trees. The foliage that I'm told I should cut back hasn't died back yet. The darn grass continues to grow. :)
6. But I'm not complaining. Nope. :) I love that it's been on the warmer side such that everything's still full of fall color and sunshine.
Ah, fall. :) I love fall.

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