A day off...

After Micah's visit to Build A Bear, we headed up to Estes Park for the day. It was the first time we'd been able to make it up there since the flooding last September and the first day Nathan's had fully off in awhile. The weather was gorgeous and we took advantage...
Found this fun glockenspiel along the walking path...
(Thanks to the music classes the boys took years ago, I'm fairly sure I'm correct in calling this a glockenspiel and not a xylophone, as xylophones are wooden.)
And then we had a late lunch at Ed's Cantina, our favorite restaurant in Estes. Yum!! Here are the younger two posing with Ed's famous pig (decked out for Valentine's):
After driving in Rocky Mountain National Park for a bit, we hit our traditional Tiny Town Mini Golf course (even with the snow and some lingering repairs still taking place after the flooding)...
We followed that up with some window shopping...
...and got ice cream (as is tradition) at Hayley's...
We were getting chilly at this point so headed back to the van to grab more coats, lol. We then walked back to Ed's for dinner. Because we really, really like Ed's. ;) (And we'd been missing them while the roads were out after the floods.)
And that was our lovely Saturday. :)

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