Build a bear (and a horse)

For Christmas, one of the gifts Micah received from us was a giftcard to Build a Bear. Last weekend, we finally went in for him to use it. He was pretty stoked. ;)
Before we even got there, he'd searched online and decided on two new stuffies he wanted along with an outfit for Koaly. He was all business when we arrived and waited anxiously in line for his turn:
(Yes, he brought Koaly with try the outfit on and also to tell the staff person just how stuffed he wanted his new stuffies, lol.)
Here he is helping to stuff his new horse. (His new bear, Roosevelt, had already been stuffed at this point.)
And then they all got "baths" (even Koaly)...
(It's really just air blowing on them, activated by a foot pedal. At first, Micah had scoffed at this when watching younger kids, but he got into it when it was his turn and had to fluff all of his stuffies. Isn't he the sweetest thing?)
After getting the new outfit, and deciding that it worked better on the horse than on Koaly, Micah created their new birth certificates to complete the trip...
(That's Roosevelt sitting next to him. He's wearing the helmet...because helmets don't fit on horses very well, lol.)
Yes, the outfit is a football uniform. A Broncos football uniform. And, hey, he named the horse Peyton.
So. Let me just state for the record...yes, we're Broncos fans in this house. All of you who've been in my life before I was 22, don't yell. I know I was raised to be a Seahawks fan. I know. ;) And I'll be happy for them if they manage to win the SuperBowl. And all my boys are very aware that it would be just dandy if their Papa's team wins.
But. Officially, we're Broncos. ;)
(ducking now as I'm sure my brothers are throwing things at me...)
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