Well played.

Attention, Universe. Yes. I get it. I know it's my own fault that my twelve year old is driving me insane with his anal tendencies. I understand that it's my own doing that he required my help to make a template in order to make all of the arches on the Roman Coliseum identical...and even proceeded to ask for a template for a miniscule square (I refused)...and that we had to dig out the light box so that he could trace a map because free-handing anything is apparently wrong. Never mind that this is a simple little timeline assignment for a class in which the grade doesn't matter in the least...wherein some of his fellow students are blatantly making stuff up and drawing modern clothing on Roman people and such. Sigh.
Well played, Universe. Well played. ;)
Reader Comments (1)
Insanity producing now, yes. But some day you'll be proud of him and what he accomplishes!