Ten on Tuesday (brain dump edition)

1. Backtracking to before the karate tournament...back on Feb 16, Nathan and I treated ourselves to a lovely lunch and musical out at the Candlelight Theater just south of here. (Thanks again, Deanna, for watching the boys!) We saw "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" and very much enjoyed ourselves. Incidentally, if you ever need a boost and want to feel young, go hang out there, lol.
2. Also the previous weekend (Feb 17), Noah and Micah had another JOAD tournament. I have no pictures but Micah took third (having managed to pull his composure together after a pretty bad first round, so we were all happy with that outcome) and Noah finally broke 500 over the two rounds, a personal goal of his.
3. Also last week before the karate tournament, Noah had another swim meet (Feb 21) and achieved new personal bests in all three of the events he competed in...50 yard backstroke, 50 yard freestyle and 100 yard IM (all four strokes). Again, no pictures...since my phone camera can't handle the low light and high speed and since my good camera would get soaked since it's an indoor pool and spectators are about 2-4 feet away from the pool deck.
4. Yes, I'm really slacking on the photo taking lately. I know this and know that I tend to have few photos for the first couple months of every year. I'll work on it. :)
5. For the record, hats off to all mothers of scouts. I hate sewing on badges/patches and can't imagine having that many to handle. The little stars and such for karate uniforms (which I managed to finish just before the karate tournament) are more than enough for me. ;)
6. Do you remember Carmen Sandiego? On a whim, I ordered the complete dvd collection of the Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego series. The boys have almost finished the entire series now (having started only a couple weeks ago). While they're not the most educational thing out there or anything, I've enjoyed watching the boys glean a bit of geography here and there.
7. Our taxes are done! Actually, they were done a few weeks ago but we're waiting on approval to file or some such thing...should be official in a week or two. Feels good to be done. :)
8. Went to the orthodontist today for the younger two. Yup, still definitely on track to need braces but she's still pretty sure we can wait a bit longer for both of them. Whew. (Course, she also did order two more extractions for Micah. Lovely. That's gonna be fun, lol.)
9. I have a bunch of homeschooling updates as I've been shifting things around but will cover that in a later post. ;)
10. For those who so kindly responded to my post about purging my scrapbook stuff, don't worry...I'm not swearing off scrapbooking or anything. :) I did go ahead and purge some supplies and reorganize my office (finishing a few things...photos to come), which feels fabulous. Honestly, though, I had way, way more supplies than any one person needs, lol. Also, I'm likely to cover more of the recent stuff in digital scrapbooking...so it will still get documented, just don't need quite so many embellishments and such on hand to do so. ;)
And that was my brain dump for the day. ;) Will try to get back with my homeschooling updates soon!

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