Oh the weather outside is frightful...

...but inside it's so delightful. ;)
Yup, despite the single digit temperatures of late and my and Nathan's bouts with walking pneumonia, we've managed to get into the holiday spirit around here...
We hung the outside lights just after Thanksgiving (before the snow, fortunately)...well, Nathan and the boys hung them. I tried to help but was coughing too much and got sent back indoors after I snapped a few pictures. ;)
A few days later, though, I made snowflakes with the boys for the first time in years. It was our art lesson for the week, lol:
The top two pictures are mine, then Micah, Asher and Noah. (Micah had a LOT more but I didn't get pictures of *all* of them, lol.) Btw, coffee filters make excellent paper snowflakes! They're already circular and are much easier to cut than paper, making for considerably less frustration. (Noah, though, did make one using actual paper so that he could attend to more detail, lol. It's that bottom left one.)
I'm still trying to figure out a good way to display these. Let me know if you have any ideas! (They're more fragile than paper so I'm not sure that taping them to walls will work or whether I could glue them to paper...)
We also braved the cold (with a stop to buy warmer winter socks for all three boys and gloves for Noah since apparently we've outgrown those as well, lol) to pick out our tree:
(The boys also took that as an opportunity to have a bit of a snowball fight throughout the lot.)
Beyond that, our elf is back, the boys decided they didn't want a lego advent calendar this year, and I'm hoping to get cards & packages in the mail this week. We'll actually put up indoor decorations and trim the tree later tonight...
(We'd been planning on attending the Options winter program tonight, where Micah was slated to perform with his piano class. But. Micah woke up with croup this morning, so we'll just have more time to trim the tree, right? Sigh. No worries. He's gotten croup every year or so since he was a baby (which is why he's more susceptible) so we know the drill. He's already been to the doctor for meds and is feeling better. He mostly just gets mad at the inability to talk for awhile, lol. Fortunately, none of the rest of us seem to ever get it from him (as it mostly affects small kids anyhow). Also, very thankful that Nathan was able to adjust his work schedule this morning so he could get Micah into the open appointment slot, pick up the prescription, and dose Micah (while I took Asher to Options and ran the backlog of errands I'd been needing to run).)
Okay. Off to finish up a few more things before picking up Asher and then getting out the boxes of ornaments and decorations... :)
Reader Comments (1)
Beautiful snowflakes!